Class Reps

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~Maria's POV~

I walk towards the security gate of UA by myself as I hum an America song quietly. It's the day after All Might's crazy mock battle training class. All my small bruises healed up before I left the house which was expected. But as for my nasty bruises they still exist. I reapplied some ointment on my face before putting two more patches on my cheek and forehead. As for my chest and stomach I did the same but I warped my stomach with some spare bandages Recovery Girl gave me and left my chest unwrapped since it's really uncomfortable with bandages around it. I face timed Miles yesterday for a few hours and he freaked out when he saw my face, I had to calm him down for half an hour before I told him I got them from training. Miles has always been rather protective of me, he's a real over protective brother. Back at Brooklyn Visions High he had punches a kid that was bullying me and was about to knock him out!

Luckily I stopped him before it got too bad, and let's just say that kid didn't bother me for a while. Even though I was popular and well liked by teachers and students back at Visions High that didn't mean everything was perfect and everyone liked me! "Excuse me! You, the foreigner!" Someone calls out to me and I turn around to see a lady running towards me with a whole news cast group behind her. "Are you a student of All Might's?" She asks me and I slowly nod my head yes, unsure of where this is going. "Answer some of my questions?" The woman asks me but it sounds more like a demand. "Sorry but I have to get to class" I tell her politely and it's true. I have like 10 minutes until the bell rings for morning homeroom. And something tells me Mr. Aizawa doesn't take late arrivals lightly. "Come on, just answer a few questions! They won' take long!" The lady tells me as she shoves her mic in my face.

"Please leave me alone ma'am I have somewhere to be" I tell the woman as I take a step back only for her to step forward. "The interview won't take long kid, just answer a few questions!" She shouts and I take another step back. 'This woman is really pushy, geeze' I think as I continue to step away from the crazy lady. "I said it won't take long kid, just a few questions and we'll let you go! I need something to turn into my boss and you're going to help me here!" The woman says rather aggressively and grabs my arm, stopping me from stepping back any further. Before I can tell the woman to let go of me a familiar voice speaks up from behind me. "Stop harassing my students" Mr. Aizawa says from behind me and I turn to see my tired looking homeroom teacher looking sternly at the lady who's gripping my arm rather tightly.

The woman doesn't say anything and lets my arm go, I quickly step back and hide behind my teacher, using him as a human shield. 'That lady is rude' I think as I peek out from behind my teacher and glare at the brown haired woman who grabbed me roughly. "Maria, go to class" Mr. Aizawa tells me in a flat tone as he continues to glare at the reporters in annoyance. "Yes sir" I say politely before rushing through the gates and making my way to class. I quickly run through the halls of UA trying to make it to my class before the bell rings. After running through the halls for a good five or so minutes I finally reach class 1A. I calmly open the door causing almost everyone to look at me for a few seconds before they look away and continue on with what they were doing.

I walk over to my desk by the window and as I do those of my classmates that I know greet me when I pass them by and I give me a smile or verbal greeting in return. "Hey Maria-chan, did you get bombarded by reports too?" Denki asks me as he and Ejirou walks over to my desk. "Yeah and you won't believe it but one of the reports got aggressive with me and grabbed my arm!" I tell my two friends, "what? No way!" Denki gasps out and I nod my head to confirm what I just said. "Are you okay?" Ejirou asks me concerned, "yeah luckily Mr. Aizawa stepped in and saved me" I tell them and sigh in relief. "I see your bruises are gone, except for the ones on your cheek and forehead" Ejirou says as his eyes run over my face. "Yeah they'll be gone in a week at most, now I just have to bear with them. But my stomach is super sore" I tell him with my usual smile as I hover my hand over my stomach.

The American Spider: MariaWhere stories live. Discover now