Ease Dropping

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~Maria's POV~

I walk out of the student only exit for the stadium we're in and over to the next building for our one hour lunch break. "Hey Ria-chan!" I hear Ochako call out to me and I turn around to see what she wants, "have you seen Deku? He suddenly disappeared" she tells me but I shake my head no. "I haven't seen him actually, but I can go look for him! Save me a spot at out lunch table" I tell her before running off to find our green haired friend. I jump the railing of the walk way easily before running towards the nearby woods built outside of our stadium, deciding to look their first. I run in the direction of the woods and as I get closer I hear Izuku's voice! "We should probably eat soon, the cafeteria is going to be full soon, don't you think?" I hear Izuku say nervously from in front of me meaning he's near by!

I run over to the Faculty and Student entrance and as I get closer I'm about to call out to Izuku but a familiar voice cuts me off. "I was overwhelmed, and it made me break the promise I made to myself a long time ago" I hear Todoroki say and I immediately stop feeling surprised hearing the duel haired male's voice. I freeze as my surprised face morphs into one of confusion, 'what are those two ding together?' I ask myself as I creep closer to the Faculty and Student entrance and stop so I'm close enough to hear them clearly but not close enough to be noticed. "Iida and Kaminari, Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami, Uraraka none of them felt it. In that moment I was the only one who could sense your true power. It reminded me of someone, experiencing All Might's quirk" Todoroki says after a small pause.

"Oh yeah? Okay, is that all?" Izuku asks a little nervously. "I'm saying the power that came from you felt the same as All Might's" Todoroki continues and I can feel the nervous tension growing all the way from my hiding spot. "Midoriya tell me, are you really All Might's secret love child or something?" Todoroki asks seriously and in that moment all nervous tension disappears almost completely. 'Secrete love child? What is this heated popsicle talking about?' I think and narrow my eyes in thought, he can't be serious right? Is he saying that Izuku is All Might's illegitimate son? Cause if he is then that's just about one of the funniest jokes I've ever heard. Other than the two sharing an uncanningly similar quirk that's the only thing they have in common. And only the Lord knows how common physical strengthening quirks are now days!

"Well are you?" Todoroki asks again as a silence falls over them. "What no, of course I'm not! That's not it at all! I guess even if I was I would say I wasn't so you probably won't believe me no matter what I say! But I promise you've got the wrong idea" Izuku quickly says, almost going into one of his ranting fits but he doesn't. "I-why would you even think that about me?" Izuku asks confused as his frantic ranting calms down but instead of answering him directly Todoroki throws a curve ball at him. " "That's not it at all" is interesting wording, it suggest that there is  something between you two that you're not suppose to talk about" Todoroki claims and Izuku is stunned into silence. 'Should I cut into this? Deku seems to be getting really nervous and uncomfortable' I think as another nervously tense silence falls over to two.

"My father is the hero Endeavor but I'm guessing you've heard of him which means you know he's the number two hero. Since you have some kind of connection to the number one hero that would mean I have even more of a reason to beat you" Todoroki says again but his speech has the underlying tone of a ominous threat to it. Izuku stays silent and continues to let Todoroki continue talking after a short while. "My old man is ambitious, he aims for the top. He used his power to make a name for himself as a hero but he was never able to best All Might so the Symbol of Peace is living proof of his failure. He's still at it though, trying to take down All Might one way or another" Todoroki says and I listen intently to what he's saying. Where in the world is he getting at by telling Izuku this? 

"I'm not really sure where you're getting at, what are you trying to tell me Todoroki?" Izuku asks sounding less nervous, or at least he's trying to. "Have you ever heard of quirk marriages?" Todoroki suddenly asks and I feel my eyes widen. Quirk marriages? Two of my friends in America, a pair of male twins, are the products of a quirk marriage. From what I know their family isn't a very happy one, considering their father used his status as a wealthy CEO to force their mother, who was a common woman with a very eye catching quirk, to marry him wen she was engaged with another man. "They became a problem within the first few generations of quirks appearing then they became wide spread. There were those wo sought out potential mates to make powerful children" Todoroki says and I begin to listen to him more closely.

The American Spider: MariaWhere stories live. Discover now