First Day at UA, Class 1-A

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~Maria's POV~

I stand in front of the door of class 1-A feeling both nervous but excited, kind of scared but happy, anxious but estatic. So many emotions mix around within me making me freeze in place, if I was to sum up my emotions into one phrase I would use "the first day of school". It's been a week since the entrance exam and I got second place with 70 points, some kid named Katsuki Bakugou got 75 which scored him first place. I've been standing in front of the door for a good five minutes trying to calm my nervous but I haven't been able to succeed much. Who knew just simply walking into a classroom would be this nerve wrecking?! But now isn't the time to dawdle, I just have to open this door and take my seat and that's all. Maybe make some new friends if I can get over my shyness for one minute. But what can I expect? New classmates in a new school, I was really shy and timid when I first transferred to Brooklyn Visions Academy but it only took me a couple of friends and a few weeks to practically ether befriend or acquaint myself with my entire grade!

Before I knew it everyone knew me and I knew everyone. Just give me a small amount of time to get used to a new place and I'll be ready to make friends left and right! Don't want to be friends? That's bold words for someone who's in hugging range. Seriously back at Brooklyn Visions Academy I knew everyone! But that didn't mean I was friends or necessarily cool with everyone. There were a few people who just rubbed me the wrong way and a few people who wouldn't leave me along, and not in a good way. I just learned to sty away from those people as much as possible. Now, here at UA I just have to do the same thing. Make a few friends and just wait for me to work my friendship magic. Hopefully by the end of this semester or second semester I can be friends with everyone. At least that's my goal! I quickly gather up whatever courage I can find in my short body before I open the door and walk in with my head raised high and a friendly, cheerful smile on my face.

All noise and talking in the class immediately cease the moment I walked in, everyone in the class room looked up from whatever they were doing and over to me. I only smile and silently wave to the people in the classroom, looks somewhere around 18 in total, before I make my way to my seat. Seat no. 19, the fourth seat in the row by the window. I wonder who's sitting around me, but a seat by the window is pretty cool. If I ever get board, which I doubt, I could watch nature pass me by outside. I quickly sit down and get my school supplies settled in my desk before I set my satchel down next to my desk. Before I could even get a moment to relax there are already two people in front of me. A male with red hair and scarlet eyes looks down at me in excitement and wonder while a blonde boy with golden yellow eyes looks down at me in curiosity and interest. I look up at the boys but don't say anything, wondering what they could want. I hope it's nothing bad but judging from the looks in their eyes they don't mean any harm.

"Hey! I'm Ejirou Kirishima, nice to meet you!" The red head says cheerfully with a wide smile that reveals his shockingly sharp teeth. "Hello foreign beauty, I'm Denki Kaminari but you can call me the man of your dreams" the blond boy tells me with a flirty smile and sends a wink my way. "Ahaha...." I laugh awkwardly as I give the bold blond a shy smile. "N-nice to meet you both, I'm Maria Davis but you can call me Maria" I tell the two males feeling nervous but offer them a large, friendly grin anyways. "Maria Davis? That's an American name right? Are you from America?!" The red head boy, Kirishima, asks excitedly as his eyes twinkle with amazement and curiosity. "Wait, does that mean you can speak English?" The blond, Kaminari, asks me excitedly as his eyes literally sparkle with excitement. "Yeah I am and yes I can,  I just came Japan a few weeks ago" I tell him happily, feeling a bit more relaxed and less shy.

I was scared my classmates would treat me differently because I'm not from here, guess I was worried for nothing so far. "That's so rad! Can you say something in English?" Kaminari asks excitedly, "um like what?" I ask him. "Anything! How about a greeting" Kaminari says, "What's up? I'm Maria Davis! What's your name?" I say and the two boys look at me in awe. "Hey, hey! Since you're from America what state and city did you live in?" Kaminari says loudly causing  few people to look over in our direction. "I'm from Brooklyn, New York" I tell him and I start to feel less and less nervous/shy by the second. Something about these two just draws me in and makes me feel relaxed around them, maybe it's their really friendly auras or large, welcoming smiles but ether way I have a feeling I'm going to be pretty good friends with these two. "Brooklyn, New York? But I thought New York was a city" Kirishima says confused, "yeah Maria-chan isn't New York a city?" Kaminari asks looking even more confused that his red haired friend.

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