Award Shows and Early Exits

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Four weeks had passed since the great name debate and now it was time for the teen choice awards. Spiderman ffh, Zendaya, and Tom were all winning awards.

Zendaya was getting her hair and makeup done when a pain rippled through her stomach. It was mild and manageable but still annoyingly uncomfortable.

"Shit" she whispered under her breath as her hand wrapped around her bump.

"Zendaya?" Her make us artist asked. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She plastered a fake but believable smile across her face. "It's just braxton and hicks contractions. Nothing to worry about."

The artist seemed apprehensive but continued to do Z's make up. Not even a few minutes later Tom walked into the dressing room, ready for the award show. He came up from behind Z as she was putting on the finishing touch to her look, her rose necklace, and wrapped his arms around her waist. However it was at that moment when another wave of pain decided to hit. Zendaya's nose scrunched up as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Babe?" Whispered Tom. "Are you ok?"

Zendaya didn't respond. She just groaned softly.

"Love?" Tom questioned again, concern laced in his voice.

Once again Z just plastered a fake smile onto her face. "I'm ok babe. Don't worry about it."

And although she told Tom not to worry that didn't mean she wasn't freaking out a bit. These pains had been coming all day and becoming less and less manageable but she kept trying to convince herself it was nothing. After all she had an award show to attend and fans she didn't want to disappoint.

A half and hour later Tom, Z, and the rest of the FFH cast were seated and the award show had begun and Z had already collected her individual awards for best supporting actress in ffh and best leading actress for euphoria.

Zendaya was sitting inbetween Jacob and Tom however Tom was currently on stage getting his award for best actor due to his work in ffh and endgame. Zendaya was taking pictures of her boyfriend collecting his award when she dropped her phone as a crippling pain hit her stomach and wrapped around to her back for what felt like the hundredth time today. This was the worst one yet.

She could hear Jacobs muffled voice addressing to her but it sounded foggy and far away.

"Daya, zendaya?"

She looked up.

"Daya are you ok?" Jacob asked as his face scrunched up in worry.

"I don't know." She answered honestly. "I think that maybe-"

She was cut off as the host called the rest of the spider Man cast to stage.

Zendaya slowly got up and tried her best to look as if she was ok.

"Z are you sure you're good to go up there?" Jacob questioned her yet again.

"Dude I'm fine. Stop worrying about me." Zendaya said however, she wasn't sure which one of them she was trying to convince.

Once the cast made their way to stage Zendaya positioned herself next to Tom who instantly knew something was wrong.

He wished he could comfort her and ask what was wrong but since they were on stage the best he could do was take her hand into his and squeeze it.

The cast quickly received their award and as Jake was finishing their acceptance speech zendaya squeezed Tom's hand harder then before as her face contorted in pain. Tom just pulled her a bit closer to him knowing that right now there was nothing he could do or say.

A few seconds later the cast was ushered off of stage and that's when everyone else noticed the look of sheer panic on Zendaya's face and what appeared to be a wet mark on her dress.

"Tom" she whispered, paniced. "I think my water just broke."

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