Chapter twenty-one

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Four POV:

Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, Will, Tris and I move to the lightning tree where our plan will take place. Peeta and Will wrap the wire around the tree and I take watch whilst the others sleep. It's nearing midnight when it's time for the wire to be taken back down to the beach. We argue over who should take it down. "Finnick and Tris you take it down. The rest of you stay here to protect me." Will says.
"Why can't I go with Tris and Finnick stays here?" I ask.
"You agreed to this plan just like everyone else so you have to do what I ask of you." Will says in a harsh tone.
"I'll see you at midnight Four." Tris says and I kiss her.
"See you then."

Tris POV:

Me and Finnick walk with the wire down to the beach. We have to step over rocks to get there. Finnick holds my bow as I step over one. I take my bow back as Finnick tugs on the wire. I turn around to check what it is and the wire snaps. Finnick pushes me to the ground and cuts my arm, taking something out. He threw his axe into the distance and I hear shouts. Finnick runs away. The sight of the blood makes me feel dizzy. Silence. The noise of the other tributes disappears. My mind clears and all I can think of it Four. I stand on wobbly legs going back the way I came. "Four!" I shout. "Four." I reach the clearing near the tree and see Will on the floor shaking. I crouch down next to him. "Will?" He doesn't answer. The lightning must have struck whilst he was sorting the wire. I return to looking for Four. The sky rumbles and I take the wire and wrap it around one of my arrows. I hear something in the bushes. My arrow poised I turn around. Peeta stands there. "Remember who the real enemy is Tris. Remember who it is. Its Jeanine and Snow. Not us." I feel the lightning strike the tree and shoot at the sky. "Get away from the tree Tris." I hear Peeta say as I'm thrown into the air. Light fades and the darkness replaces it.

Word Count: 372

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