Chapter seven

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Four POV:

That evening they play the highlights of the opening ceremony. "Cinna," Tris says, "You're new here aren't you?" Everyone laughs, she's so upfront about her questions.

"What makes you say that?"

"It's just that you don't look like the others. You look....normal." He laughs

"Wow, you're quite observant aren't you? Yes i am new." I have a horrible thought about my mother. How is she going to cope with little food. Tris used to hunt in the woods for us using the bow and arrows her father made before he died. She hides then in a hollow log. Me and her used to hunt at the crack of dawn to feed our families. Her shots were always clean, right in the eye so that you could eat all of it. A tear falls down my cheek as i think of home.

I get up and go to my room leaving the others to watch the highlights. I want to get a goodnights sleep before the training starts.

Word Count: 167

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