Chapter fourteen

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Four POV:

I'm already on the podium when I see Tris come up, I can't go to her like I want because if I do i will most definitely die. They surround the podiums with torpedoes along with the water. The clackzon goes of and everyone jumps into the water going to the weapons that are on the cornucopia. I watch Tris get there along with Katniss Everdeen. Someone stands behind her with a knife, I watch Katniss tell her something and she ducks. Katniss shoots them in the chest, they stumble back into the water. Dead. Someone comes up behind me and before I can react, pushes me underwater. I fight with him until he dies. As I struggle towards the surface I feel hands pull against my arms. As I surface from the water I see Tris standing with Katniss and Peeta, Katniss' partner and lover, next to me in the water. I see Tris sigh in relief as I swim back to her. All four of us leave the island and go to the shore.

As we get to the beach Tris hands me a sword that she had retrieved from the cornucopia. We settle on a spot that is half hidden by the trees. "Why are you helping us?" I ask crouching down. I'm surprised when Katniss answers. "Because we have been here before. In you positions and we know how it feels, plus Haymitch asked us to be your allies." I'm shocked with how upfront she is about what they went through. I guess they've had time to deal with it.

Word Count: 264

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