Chapter fifteen

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Tris POV:

"What? How did you survive? Why did Haymitch ask you?" I ask, so many questions are going through my head. It's Peeta who speaks next. "Schocking, I know," he chuckles "Haymitch asked us because we can help you get through this." As I get  to know these people I'm liking them more and more. "We should get going before the others find us." Four says. We all agree and start moving further into the forest. We stop at a rock to rest for a bit. It's late afternoon, early evening. We sit down behind some rocks out of view from other people. After a while we hear a noise, the noise you hear when you get a parachute. I stand and go over to it, it's addressed to me. I open it and find a spile to get water out of a tree. I hit it into a nearby tree and it takes a few seconds before water comes running out of it. I put my mouth under it and get some fresh water. Peeta does that too but he also uses a leaf as a cup to get water for Katniss. I move out the way so Four can get some as well. Whilst we continue drinking the water and announcement comes on for the tributes that have already died. I see the pictures of the one Katniss shot and the one that tackled Four. The rest go past in a blur. After the announcement we are all silent, it's Peeta who breaks the silence yet again. "I'll take first watch" he says and I shake my head. "Not a chance. I'm taking first watch." He looks at me with stern but soft eyes. "That thing I did back there was called saving his life. If we wanted to kill either of you, we would've done it by now." I'm stung by his words. I know they're true but I just don't want to believe it. In the end we both decide to take first watch. I watch Four and Katniss get to sleep and then I decide to spend my time looking at our surroundings. Eventually Peeta decides he's had enough and leaves me to keep watch.

I must nod off for a while because when I wake up it'd much darker. I look to my left and I see white fog drifting towards us. I stand and walk to it and stick my hand into it and it burns. "The fog. It burns, we need to move." I manage to say through gritted teeth. They all get up and we start running. We run through the forest as fast as we can but the fog starts to consume us. Four trips and lays on the ground, the fog begins to consume him. I crouch down next to him." Please help, I can't carry him on my own." I see Peeta nod and come over to us, he helps me lift Four whilst Katniss runs out in front. We get to a hill and we all fall down, rolling over branches and stones. We all get to a stop and I watch the fog, it goes up into the air like there's an invisible wall stopping it. I lie on my back and sigh in relief. I look back and see a little pond, I crawl to it and put my burning hand into it, the pain starts to ease. "The water. It helps." I say to the others whilst rubbing the poisonous fog off my hand.

Word Count: 589

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