"Merlin, can I have a word?"

Merlin gave Gaius an 'I told you so' look making the old man just sigh.

"I think I'll just go for a walk in the lower town." Gaius stood up from his seat, gave Merlin a reassuring pat on the shoulder before passing Aria and closing the door behind him.

Aria just stayed where she was staring un-emotionally at Merlin with her arms crossed.

Merlin didn't say anything either. He didn't want to anger her more than she already was.

"Did you know?"

Merlin avoided looked at Aria and hesitantly nodded. That's when Aria exploded on him in a fit of rage.

"You knew! You knew all along and you never told me! Merlin, how could you?! " Aria yelled while approaching him.

Merlin sighed. It was time to come clean and tell her everything. He stood from his seat and faced her before explaining everything the dragon had told him about her and her destiny. The only part he left out was that Mordred was destined to kill Arthur.

Aria just stood there and listened, getting more and more angry with her friend.

When Merlin finished explaining Aria remained silent. She was breathing heavily through her nose, trying to control herself from lashing out.

"Please say something" Merlin begged

Aria scoffed " what do you want me to say?! How could you keep this from me, Merlin?! I thought you were my friend?!"

"I am your friend"

"If you really where then you wouldn't have lied to me!"

"Aria, I didn't have a choice!" Merlin finally yelled back.

"You always have a choice, Merlin!"

"This time I didn't! I didn't tell you because it wasn't time for you to know!"

"I think I have a right to know about something this big! Is it because I have this destiny that you're so cold towards Mordred?! Because you think he's a distraction for me?!"

" No! Aria, he's dangerous in ways you wouldn't understand and I am trying to protect you and Arthur from it!

"Protect us from what?! What could make Mordred so dangerous that you had to act so cold towards him?!--"

"Because he is destined to kill Arthur!"

Merlin froze and Aria's expression suddenly changed from angry and betrayed to confessed and shocked.

"What do you mean, destined to kill Arthur?" Aria asked no longer yelling.

Merlin stayed silent. Aria wasn't supposed to know any of this. The dragon warned him of what would happen if she ever did find out. Aria was not pleased with Merlin's silence.

"TELL ME!!" Aria screamed as tears began to form in her eyes.

"I had a vision, when we went to Ismere, it was of a battle. I saw Mordred and Arthur fighting, I saw Mordred kill Arthur while you watched. That's why I tried to keep you away from him. I didn't want to see you that hurt. " Merlin confessed thinking if Aria knew that the man she loves would eventually kill one of the only family she had left then maybe she would not trust him as much as she did. Oh, how wrong he was.

"The future is not set in stone, Merlin. Chances are that the vision you saw won't even come true" Aria said as a few salty tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Aria, it's Mordred's destiny and no matter how much you may want to you can't change destiny."

"Well, I can certainly try!"

Defying Destiny - A Merlin Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now