44. Wilcox.

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~I am back from the dead !!!!!!! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a long assss time, but I am sort of back. I won't be writing regularly, but I will write when I feel like it. I haven't been really motivated for the past couple of months and I haven't had the time to really write something, but here's something new. This was actually an idea for a book, which I wanted to write and work out, but since I am really bad at writing whole books, I'll just make an imagine out of it:).

~So, this imagine is about you. You have been living in Lakewood for a couple of months now, you moved and became friends with the whole group. Especially with Audrey, who you've started dating. But you've got a secret, and they will all find out :):)

'Audrey, you in here?' I walk into Audrey's room, seeing her with her headphones on. Her dad let me in, like he always does. She notices me, taking her headphones off and she smiles at me. 'Hey baby.' She smiles as I sit down next to her on the bed and I peck her on the lips. 'Hey, I was wondering, you know Brooke is having a party tomorrow right?' I flutter my lashes as Audrey knows exactly where this is going. She rolls her eyes and sighs, moving her laptop aside and I smile even wider. 'You want to go, don't you?' She asks and you nod, pecking her on the lips again. And again. And again...

'Come on babe, we haven't been to one in about a month, let's go and have some fun...' I whine as I let myself fall on my back and Audrey chuckles. 'Alright, but...' She starts and I sit back up again, looking at her. 'What?' I ask, waiting for her to finish the sentence and she grins. 'Only if you stay over Saturday evening and let me choose the movies for our movie night.' She smiles and I nod. 'Okay, fine, there won't be much movie watching anyway.' I wink at Audrey and she shakes her head. 'Oh yes, there will be, this time.' She chuckles and I shrug and roll of the bed. 'Can I borrow a shirt from you?' I ask, walking over to here closet and opening the doors, looking through her shirts. 'Sure.' Audrey mumbles and I smile. I love Audrey's shirts. They are the softest thing ever, and they smell fucking nice.

~Next day~

'Yep, I'm pulling up right now.' I mumble through the phone and drive up Audrey's driveway. 'Alright, I'll be out in a sec.' And with that she ends the call. I put my phone in my pocket and wait for Audrey to come outside. 'Hey.' Audrey smiles as she gets in the passengers seat. 'Hey.' I smile, pecking her on the lips and she looks at my outfit. 'You style my shirts very well.' I smile at her compliment and start the car again, driving off to Brooke's house. 

'Wow, Y/N, you got Audrey out of the house.' Brooke smiles as she greats us in the hallway. 'Yes I did indeed.' I smile and look at Audrey, who just rolls her eyes like always. 'Well, you know the drill, drinks are in the kitchen, snack are everywhere, have fun.' Brooke smiles before leaving me and Audrey. 'Who's driving tonight?' Audrey asks as we got here by car and I shrug. 'We could crash here?' I suggest and Audrey shrugs. 'If there's even a room left at the end of the night.' Audrey scoffs and I nod. 'True, I'll drive tonight then. You're mostly the one driving.' I smile and Audrey nods. 'You're the best.' She pecks me on the cheek and I smile. 'I know.' I smile and Audrey drags me to the kitchen. 

'Alright, let's go and join the others with truth or dare.' Audrey slurs as she drags me to the living room. It is amusing, seeing Audrey drunk and having the time of her life. 'Alright freshman, let's play truth or dare.' I tease her and she pushes me against my arm. It's not much... 'It is a fun game when you're drunk, shut up..' She chuckles and I shrug and follow her. It is currently like 2am, and there aren't many people left. The only people left are Emma, Brooke, Stavo and two other dudes, which I don't know. 'Heyyy, guysssss.' Audrey slurs as she enters the circle and Brooke chuckles and looks at me. I just shrug and help Audrey sit down. 'Are you guys playing truth or dare?' Audrey asks, looking around and they all shrug. 'Not really, but we can do that.' Brooke smiles, also drunk, just like everybody here and Audrey claps. 

'Alright, Y/N, truth or dare?' I look up, since I was not really paying attention and I shrug. 'Truth.' I mumble, not wanting to do anything stupid since I am not drunk. 'Boo-hoo.' Audrey mumbles next to me and I chuckle, nudging her side. 'Alright, uhmm..' The guy, who asked me, and who I don't even know, mumbles and looks at me. 'Why did you move here? To Lakewood?' The guy asks and my heart stops. Does he know? He can't.. Nobody does. 'My dad wanted a new start...' I mumble and look down. 'Why?' I ask, looking up again and the guy shrugs. 'Just asking, we don't know a lot about you. Don't even know your last name..' The guy mumbles, clearly up to something and I shake my head. 'My last name is Wilders.' I mumble and the guy shrugs and nods. 'Alright, your turn.' The guy mumbles, clearly not meaning any harm and I sigh. 'Alright, Brooke, truth or dare.'I smile and she looks at me. 'Dare.' She smiles and I sigh. I'm not good at coming up with dares. 'Jump into the pool, right now.' I smile and she her roll her eyes. 'My make-up was looking so good, and my outfit. Ughh I hate you.' She mumbles, followed by a little smile, letting me know she isn't that serious and we all go to watch Brooke jump into the pool.

'Are you glad we went?' I ask as Audrey and I finally reach her bed and fall down on it. 'Yes, it was really fucking amazing fun.' She blurts out and I chuckle and shake my head. 'Really fucking amazing fun?' I ask and Audrey nods with a smile. 'I'm glad you make me come out of my comfort zone sometimes.' She smiles and I sigh. I give her a peck on the lips before turning of the light on her bedside table. 'You're welcome, I love you.' I smile as we crawl under the covers. 'I love you too, very much.'

~A/N, okay, we know by now that I SUCK at endings, :):):):) But, this is part one of the imagine. I don't know how long it will be, I think around 3 or 4 parts. I also don't know when the next part is going to be posted. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, idk... I hope you still love my imagines. Love you all <3<3

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