Chapter Twenty Three: Kyle's POV

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Ok this chapter is SUPER short and I don't like how it's written and all but I had to get all this stuff said and this stuff had to happen so yeah. Just pretend it's written well lol. =)

Chapter Twenty Three: Kyle's POV

I had spent the whole day with Kate and her friend Isabelle and was now driving Kate home. Overall it was a great day but towards the end we saw Jack. She said she had to go to the bathroom and immediately went to talk to him. I sighed internally because I could tell right away she wanted him still. It seemed as if she was trying to hide it, but I could see it in her eyes.

When she saw him, her face lit up with excitement and relief but quickly turned to grief and guilt. I could see she really missed and loved him. And when I saw him look at her, oh man could I tell exactly what he was feeling. He clearly still missed and loved her too.

This all wasn't exactly great for me, which I guess didn't matter in the long run. The car ride was silent for most of the ride until she spoke up.

"Kyle, why haven't you asked me out?" I was really surprised by her question. I looked at her and saw pure confusion in her eyes. After I didn't respond, because I was trying to figure out how to word my response, she continued. "I mean, Jack kept telling me that you liked me." I was still beyond confused at where this had all come from.

"I do like you; no, I love you. I want to be with you, but I can't." I began and she cut in at the end of my sentence.

"Why not?"

"Kate, I saw the way you looked at him today and the way he looked at you. You're my best friend and I love you more than anything, but I can't take you away from him. I know you guys aren't together right now but I can tell you will be soon. You love him and I can see how much not being with him is killing you inside." I finished, not being able to meet her gaze. She smiled at me, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

"Oh, Kyle, I love you too." She hugged me and it was hard to let go.

"Get him back, Kate, you won't be happy until you have him." I said after we stopped hugging. She smiled and hugged me again before getting out of my car.

Saying those things to her killed me, but I had to say them. It was true, she wouldn't be happy until she had him back. She hadn't been the same since they broke up. I love her so much, and had for years, but I had to let her go even if she would end up with someone else. I wasn't sad though because just as long as she was happy, I knew I'd be all right.

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