Chapter Ten: Jack's POV

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Heyy I know you guys may not want to comment but it would make my dayy =)

Thank you so much for reading!

(I know, the 'Jack's POV' chapters are pretty short... Sorry.)

Chapter Ten: Jack's POV

After what seemed like an eternity waiting outside Kate's house, I saw a car round the corner. As it got closer, I knew for sure it was Kate. In Kyle's car. I let a look of anger cover my face and got out of my car. They parked, Kyle got out and then grabbed Kate's hand, helping her out. This little action of affection made me even madder, if that was possible.

"What are you doing with my girl?" I asked irritably when I was standing next to them.

"Oh, please! He's just walking me inside, lay off. What are you doing here anyway?" Kate snapped, looking annoyed.

"I'm waiting for you, I had to see you."

"Well, you saw me. Good night, Jack," She retorted, turning around to go inside. I grabbed her arm but she shook me off and grabbed onto Kyle's arm. "Leave me alone!" she cried.

"Jack, I think you should go." Kyle said calmly, which pissed me off. I was her boyfriend, not him! He didn't get to tell me to leave after he just took my girlfriend on a date!

"I think you should go!" I shouted, shoving him away from her.

"Jack!" she screamed, slapping me in the face. "Just leave!" and then, I did something very stupid. I couldn't help it. I was so mad at myself for letting this get to the point where my own girlfriend had to slap me in the face to get me away. So I let that anger out on Kyle's face, with my fist. I regretted it immediately once I saw the expression on Kate's face.

"Get away from me, my house, and Kyle! And stay away until you're actually wanted!" Wow, that stung, but I knew I'd deserved it. I looked down, feeling extremely ashamed of what I'd done. I looked up only to see the woman I loved walking into her house with the man I hated. This day could not get any worse.

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