Chapter Four: Jack's POV

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Chapter Four: Jack's POV

Today was Kate's birthday and I had a few things planned that I hoped she'd love. First, I was going to take her to the beach, where we met, for a picnic. Then I would take her to the place where I first told her I loved her. Then, for dinner we'd go to the restaurant we celebrated our one year anniversary at. My mother had told me girls were sentimental, so I hoped she would appreciate it all. When I take her back to her house, I'm going to give her a bracelet with her birthstone in it. I'd been saving up for this for a long time, and it had better go as planned.

However, when my crazy friends came stumbling into my room, I knew my precious plans were in danger.

"Grab your shoes and let's go!" Joel yelled, looking like he was going to explode from excitement.

"Dude, it's Kate's birthday! I can't!" I yelled back.

"It won't take all day! Just a few hours!" Cameron said in an attempt to convince me. I checked my phone, saw that it was 10:23 and knew I obviously didn't have the time.

"Just send your girl a text and she'll be fine!" Luke said lightly, not realizing how much that would hurt her.

"I already called her! I'm picking her up at 12:00 and will be with her until after dinner. Can't we hang out tomorrow?" I reasoned, already knowing it wouldn't work with them.

"We don't just wanna 'hang out.'" Joel explained seriously, trying to find some shoes I could wear.

"Then what is it?" I asked impatiently, knowing whatever it was wouldn't matter because I was spending the day with Kate, no matter what.

"Court-side seats to the Knicks, man!" Luke yelled, pumping his fists in the air excitedly.

"So?" I asked. Since Luke's dad gets season tickets every year and lets us use them, it's not like it's a once in a lifetime thing for me.

"So?! It's the Knicks! Let's go!" and before I knew it, I was being grabbed and practically carried out to Cameron's car. When they shoved me in the backseat, I tried to get out but it was seriously no use. I pulled out my cell phone to text Kate, letting her know I'd be late. Before I could, Joel snatched my phone. He then turned it off and put it somewhere in the front seat.

"Dude, what the heck?!" I yelled, getting more and more mad as the minutes went on.

"This is a guy's day! NO GIRLFRIENDS!"

Doomed For Heartbreak?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora