Chapter Fourteen: Jack's POV

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This one's short, but I've come to realize that all of these chapters are lol.

Hope you guys are ok with that, and enjoy reading this. =)

Chapter Fourteen: Jack's POV

After seeing Kate's name pop up on my cell phone's screen, I tried not to get too excited, remembering that there was a possibility it could be her sister, like last time.


"Hi, Jack," oh my goodness! It was Kate! Words could not describe how happy I was to hear her happy sounding voice again.

"Kate!" was all I could say. I was waiting eagerly to hear what she had to say, and I hoped it was positive.

"I think we should talk, Jack. Can you come over?" she said, and I didn't have to think twice before answering. In fact, I barely had to think at all.

"Yes, I'll be right over." I hung up the phone, told my mom I was going out, and drove quickly over to her house. When I got there, Isabelle answered the door and led me to Kate's room. Once she saw that everything was ok for now, she left, probably to talk to Kristy.

"Wanna sit?" she asked and I nodded, taking a seat next to her on her bed. "Let me start out by saying I've missed you terribly, even though it's only been a couple of days.

"I've missed you so much," I added, looking into her gorgeous eyes for the millionth time and smiling. I smiled even more when she returned the smile and leaned closer to me before speaking again.

"After doing a lot of thinking, which you know I naturally do way too much of, I need you to know that I forgive you." Those words sounded like music to my ears; I'd wanted to hear them so badly. "You know how hard it is for me to trust anybody, and how difficult it was to build up the trust I had in you. Even though what happened this weekend wasn't a huge disaster that broke us up, it still mattered to me. It reminded me that even if you love and trust a person fully, they can still let you down." She continued, looking me dead in the eye. Her momentary pause let me know it was my turn to talk.

"I'm deeply sorry for betraying your trust. I know I let you down, and I will try my hardest to keep it from recurring. I know you won't be able to trust me like you used to right away, and I will respect that. I will also try my hardest to gain that trust back."

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear, and I hope you mean it. I guess only time will tell at this point."

"I do mean it." I stated, knowing she, too, meant every word she had said. Then she pulled me towards her in a forgiving hug, whispering 'I love you' into my ear. I smiled and repeated the words to her before bringing her lips to mine for a momentary kiss.

"Sooo you guys made up?" Kristy asked, walking in with Isabelle. Kate and I both smiled and said 'yes'.

"Yay! But you, sir, better not hurt Kate ever again! Or you're gone forever!" Kristy threatened and I believed her.

"I won't." I promised, confident it was one I'd do anything in my power to keep.

"Good," Isabelle said before Kristy could.

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