Chapter Seventeen: Kate's POV

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Chapter Seventeen: Kate's POV

I fixed my full-of-hate stare at Jack, who was running, yes running, towards me. I didn't care that he was desperately trying to get to me. All I wanted to do was get in my house, away from him.

"Kate, she kissed me! I don't like her at all, I shoved her away and didn't even think about kissing her back!" he yelled, his voice shaky and desperate.

"Get away from me! I don't care if 'she started it', you shouldn't have put yourself in a position where that could happen! I was beginning to trust you again and you just ruined it! Don't come to my house or call me, just leave." I spat, not being able to control the sound of disgust in my voice.

He just stood there speechless, and for a brief second I felt bad for him and how harsh I'd been. I shook that feeling away and didn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks as I rushed into the house, slamming the door behind me.

My mom heard me come inside crying and immediately told the person she was talking to on the phone that she had to go. I hurried up to my room, collapsing on my bed and burying my head in my pillow. My mom walked in my room and sat next to me, placing her hand comfortingly on my back.

"Oh, honey! What's the matter?" she asked her voice full of worry.

"...Jack..." I managed to mumble between sobs.

"What did he do? Tell me, Katie," she requested urgently. I tried hard to stop crying so I could talk to her. Once I'd calmed down, I sat up to face her.

"I went outside to get the mail, and he was on Natalie's doorstep." I began sadly, feeling the tears of jealously and broken trust return to my eyes. I ignored them and continued speaking. "And then he kissed her. Or she kissed him. Whatever, I don't care who kissed who first. But they were definitely kissing." I explained gloomily, looking into my loving mom's eyes that were full of anger and disbelief, just as mine had been when I'd seen it happen.

"I'm so sorry!" that was all she said, and that's all she had to say. She hugged me tightly and I was extremely glad she was there with me. I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to make any decisions about our relationship; I just wanted someone to be there.

A few hours later, around 7:00, I hadn't heard from Jack. I was sort of glad about that, knowing I had no idea what I wanted yet. I knew we'd been together for a long time and we loved each other. But I wasn't sure if I still wanted to be with him.

I didn't know anything at the moment, except that he'd caused me too much pain in the past few weeks. It didn't matter if he'd done it intentionally or not, he'd still hurt me. And my natural instinct was to push away anyone or anything that caused me pain. I just wasn't sure if that was the best thing to do in this particular situation.

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