As Long As I Have You (A Zayn Malik Love Story)

Start from the beginning

           "Since when did you make the rules!?" She asked with a little attitude. She stood in front of me, with her hands on her hips. I sighed lowly and turned down my music a little.

          "Since I bought this loft. I could drive you back to mom and dads loft you know!" I threatened her. It wasn't very convincing. If I were Desi, I would laugh in my face.

           She rolled her eyes and let out a breath. "What song do you need to practice to anyway?" She laughed "Some sad depressing music?"

           "A song" I said sarcastically and annoyed. I ignored her and started to pin back up my hair into a bun.

           She glared at me "Seriously, Avianna." She fiddled with her hair too and I tried to hold back a smile. "Maybe I could help?"

           "None of your business just let me practice!" I yelled but there was a smile on my face. She shrugged and left my room, finally.

             Of course I wanted to spend more time with her, but when it comes to my dancing and writing, I just get really frustrated and I need to focus because I just don't want to be known for dancing in school plays and stuff like that, or writing poetry or tiny little stories online. I want to be bigger than that, I want to be somebody. I wasn't a strict person when it came to my career, I was mostly a fun person, but sometimes my career mattered more than anything or anyone else. I know I sound vain but I've wanted this since I was 10 years old, and I feel like I've been fighting for it for too long.

          I tried to regain focus on my solos for my dance school. I mastered in modern, ballet, and hip hop. And I had a modern and ballet solo to present In front of the whole dance class in one week. And it had to be perfect. There is a reason why I push myself for it to be perfect. When I was 14 and I was in a different dance school, we had this huge dance recital that was In front of 200 people. I got really freaked out and scared, and it came to my part when I had I do leaps, and 10 turns in one. We were trained to focus on one part of the room when we did turns like that, but I was so nervous that I couldn't focus. So I only did 3 turns before I lost balance and fell. But I got up and continued with the dance, and when those curtains closed, I broke down. And ever since then, I've told myself I will never make a foolish mistake like that again

           I fixed the bun that I put on top of my head again and looked at myself in the mirror that was on the wall and regained the feeling of the wooden floor and practiced the 10 turns in a row that I mastered now. Doing that turn always brought back that memory, but it made me happy that I could actually do it with no mistakes.

           Most of my friends that I used to know considered me to be too uptight but sometimes I was and I admit that. It explains why I didn't have as much friends as others, and I didn't mind that because being alone was something I liked more than being surrounded by other.  Some of them even used to say that's why I never had a boyfriend. But I never really looked for one, I've had a crush on someone when I was a senior in high school, but he too thought that I was too strict and that I couldn't have a fun time. But I didn't care. And ever since then, I haven't been looking for a boyfriend, and they haven't been looking for me

           I decided to take a break and went into the kitchen to get some water. I went into the kitchen and saw my other little sister sitting at the small kitchen table my mom had got for me, screaming loudly to her phone screen. She was in that teenage stage. Always on her phone, blocking everything and everyone out, and most importantly-the attitude. "Hey, Sarie."

          "Yea what is it?" She said hitting her phone hard. She had such long fingernails, that her nails would knock against the screen.

           I smiled, rolling my eyes. Whenever she ignored me this bad, she was always texting her boyfriend. "Texting Jaden?"

           "Yeah!" Her little hazel eyes lit up. Anyone could bring up Jaden and she would have the biggest smile on her face. I laughed. Sarie met Jaden at her school bonfire two months ago, and they have been together ever since. I got my water from the fridge and let down my rather oily brown hair. I shook it out and put it back up into my favorite bun.

          "When will you find a boyfriend?" Sarie asked me. I studied her face to see if she was joking around, but she looked rather serious.

          "Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief. It was hard enough my friends felt this way, and I didn't need my sisters worrying or criticizing me about this either.

           She sighed "I don't mean it like that," She stopped to text Jaden. "I just- I haven't seen you in a steady relationship."

          "So?" I snapped

          She sighed "You need a boyfriend.

           "What makes you think that?" I asked chugging down some of the ice cold water. "Do I look depressed to you?"

             "No," She groaned. "You're 20 and you haven't been in a good relationship and I think it's time you do.

              "Well," I smirked "When the time comes, I'll know." She rolled her eyes and her attention went back to her phone. I sat there for a minute or two just drinking my water.

Zayn's P.O.V

           "We need one more dancesr!" I heard Niall groaned hitting the laptop keys in frustration.

           "Yeah, one more to make this show amazing. We just need one more dancer!" Louis joined Niall and groaned in frustration.

            "Try checking for one more dancers in New York." Harry suggested, hitting Liam's shoulder, and then pointing to the computer.

             "Ok." Liam said as he started to scroll through the website for a college that we searched up in New York City.

           We were looking for dancers to rehearse with and if we thought they were good, they would come on tour with us in 2 months for the upcoming shows we were going to have. This was our  first time having background dancers, so they had to be professional and extremely  good.  I honestly didn't care who they picked so I just kept to myself.

           "HEY I found this girl that goes to City College, she dances modern, ballet, and hip hop." Liam pointed to the screen, urging us to look.  "She is just what we need!" Liam said happily. They all went towards the computer to try and see what he was looking at.

             "What is her name?" Harry asked

                 "Avianna Carlson. She's twenty years old and is looking for ANY dancing opportunity." Liam replied

                   I couldn't resist, her name was so beautiful so most likely she was going to be beautiful. So I looked at the computer and almost died. She had glowing bright pink cheeks, dark chestnut hair with lighter brown eyelashes, a dark but beautiful spark in her eye, and a hypnotizing smile.

                "Let's go with her!" I said instantly, which got weird looks from the lads.

                 "I thought you didn't care." Louis smiled cheekily and intimately at me.

                I blushed for some reason. I wasn't sure, but I could feel the pink becoming more and more visible to my cheeks." I don't but still, look at her resume, its fantastic!" They all stared at me for a while then Liam smiled.

               "Okay, Avianna it is." He said

A/N: Just edited this chapter ;P. Things have been added.

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