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I slowly opened my eyes to see my wounds have healed from my last battle. The pain was still there though, that's always the last thing to leave. All I can think about is Ruby and her's been two months since I've last seen her, even then it wasn't a conversation. It was just me splashing the water and roaring out before diving.
?????: good to see you up.
My head perked up as I heard a familiar voice.
Me: do I owe the pleasure?
Darkness: my brother and I have been keeping a close eye on always.
Me: I figured as much....what's going on?
Darkness: nothing at all...we just wanted to commend you on all of the work you have been doing, you gave up a lot.
Me: not really something that I want to be reminded of.
Darkness: I know these few years have been hard. You killed your adopted boy. You left the only girl that's cared for you in 300 years.
Me: Thin ice.
Darkness: I must ask what you will do now?
Me: same thing I have done for the past 10 years, fight Kaiju that threaten humanity, the planet....all of that.
Darkness: you're like the ocean Y/N. Calm, yet so destructive.
Me: I don't owe these humans a thing...though this is the right thing to do. Now enough talk. Why are you here? You come to me when you either have some sort of guidance...or something worse.
Darkness: I have nothing....good day Y/N.
He disappeared before my eyes as I sighed and sat down in the temple. I held my head as I breathed heavily. I was sweating hard, feel the massive drops of water run down my skin and hit the ground below me.
3rd POV
Meanwhile in the City.
Ironwood has stepped down along with Winter, both have retired, though Ironwood has 5 years ago and Winter shortly became first in command before leaving, leaving it to someone more dangerous.
Secretary: General Keith Gill Sir!
Keith: Yes? Have you found Godzilla?
Secretary: no sir! But we have news on the first test for the super weapon.
Keith: go on.
Secretary : 75% done well.
Keith: what of the other 25%?
Secretary: some handling issues and minor weapon malfunctions, though they're working on it as we speak.
Keith: as long as it will kill Godzilla...I don't care how long it takes.
Secretary: yes sir.
Keith: another thing.
He turned around, he wears an eyepatch with a white beard.
Keith: what are you wearing?
The secretary looked down at her outfit, red heels, black nylons, a tight skirt that reached her knees and a pink buttoned shirt, finished off with glasses and a ponytail.
Secretary: I was told this was ok sir.
Keith: listen Martha-
Secretary: Miranda....sir....
Keith: whatever, I want morale around here coming from bravery, not some girl who can't dress properly, look at you....disgusting. Tomorrow you will wear something more concealing.
Miranda: Yes Sir....sorry sir.
She walked off back to her desk outside of his office as he pulled out a match and struck it against the wall, watching the flame travel down the match and onto his fingers.
Keith: where are you Godzilla?
Meanwhile at the lodge
Danny: can you believe that most recent fight?! It was so COOL seeing Godzilla in action again.
Weiss: can we go one breakfast without hearing about kaiju Danny?
Danny: can't do Mommy, the world needs to know.
Weiss: the world knows plenty now eat your eggs and then jump in the shower.

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