He'll also need a double-sided circle of spells to make a portal. Father had Mylo working all night to block all the portals outside Kaliste. Even if Val decided to use portals he wouldn't be able to. All the wall portals have been closed to outsiders. He won't be going anywhere fast. Agni's high mage--

"Can we go for a walk?" I nearly jump out of my skin, but I must agree with the beautiful female beside me. A walk would be lovely.

"If you'd like to, we shall." She takes my offered arm. 

We walk down the halls until we reach the courtyard doors. The very ones that lead straight through the citadel and to the town. We keep to the right of the cobbled path, allowing heavy traffic to go around us. The lamps light up the streets, and we walk till the bells ring midnight.

"Your Majesty! Please wake!" A female yells in my ear while shaking me. I promptly wave the person off and sit up. 

"What is it?"

I catch a glance at the window. No light shines through. Why am I up this early? "It's not even dawn."

"King Kent has some disturbing news."

"Oh," It dawns on me why I'm being woken at this ugly hour. Val must have responded. I shove the covers off my body and give the small female instructions. "Tell my Father I'll be at his office in 10."

The female leaves my rooms and I pull a shirt over my chest. My boots lay waiting by the door, discarded as I had been exhausted after my long walk with Mari. Instead of pulling them on, I grab them before racing to Father's office.

It hardly takes five minutes to get to Father's office. I forgo the curtsy of knocking and walk-in. "Beck, I see you managed to drag yourself out of bed."

"Haha, hilarious, Father." I pull on my boots. When I'm finished, Father hands me a letter.


Your inability to take action has been noted, and three days from this morn, your Kingdom will fall. I will have my Captain and Bride.

Val King of Amberanian, The Flame Court

"Is Val truly King?" I ask, dread filling me to the core at the thought of what I've done. 

"His Father, Agni, has been ill for many months. I received word on the 21st that he succumbed to his illness."

"When was Val coronated?"

"He was coronated when he arrived home from Caledonia." I nod, not having the energy to come up with a response. Father notices my lack of energy and tells me we can talk later. 

I take my leave and head back to my room to sleep. When I attempt to sleep, it does not take me. My only thought is how Val will arrive in three days. He can't go through the portals. Those are closed. 

When the female comes to wake me again, she is surprised to find me awake. I let her know that Mari is to be woken up and taken, as usual, to the court's dining room. Then I leave to get some breakfast and coffee with the rest.

Fifteen minutes into breakfast, Mari and Myla walk in, chatting aimlessly. I chuckle at their fast friendship. I'm happy for her. She's been through so much change. She deserves to feel comfortable and accepted. 

I go back to my eggs and toast until Myla interrupts. "Beck, which fabric do you think is better?"

I nearly choke on the toast I shoved into my mouth. Mari and Myla intently stare, eagerly awaiting my answer. "You know Mylo is a better person to ask."

Myla slaps her hands onto her hips and gives me a look. "Yes, but do you see him in the room?"

Right. He's late. 

"...Which fabrics?"

"The ones were wearing, or do you think were naked?" Myla gives me a knowing look. Even though she's been here for a year, she can read my emotions like Mother. I barely keep a blush from reaching my ears at that comment, but I manage to answer the question. 


Both females eagerly await my answer. I resist the urge to shove another bite of toast into my mouth. Myla will only berate me for stalling. "...I believe Mari is wearing the more elegant fabric. 

"I told you," Mari grins shyly as if I had complimented her beauty instead of the fabric. "purple is more elegant than yellow." 

"Myla, if you would excuse Mari and me for a moment."

Myla takes the hint and goes to grab breakfast. I stand and offer Mari my arm. She accepts my offer. I lean over the table and grab two rolls. Then I take her out into the hall. We walk for a while, snacking on the buttery deliciousness. I enjoy the silence before I give her the bad news. "Who do I owe the honour of thanking for this walk?"

"No one, I enjoyed our walk last night, so I thought, why not take one this morning." I glance down at the female, who has a look I'm all too familiar with. "I'm sure you already know, but Val and I have sent a few letters back and forth, clearing you and Bianca from his grasp. We got a nasty response early this morning."

Mari stops dead in her tracks. "What?"

The King of RuinWhere stories live. Discover now