"I swear. On my Dad's life." Archie confirmed sternly.

Jughead's eyes were fixated on him after that, he wasn't sure whether to believe him or not seeing as it wouldn't be the first time he had been trying to chase up possible beards, and in his presence nonetheless.

"You guys done with your little lovers tiff?" Betty asked from behind the porch railing.

Archie scoffed and rolled his eyes practically into the back of his head. "What do you want Betty?"

"For you both to shut up so my kid can sleep, but I'm guessing that's not gonna happen with your little lovers quarrel."

That was the second time Betty had used the term lover. At first, Jughead and Archie assumes she was just messing around but using the term twice, she clearly knew more than they thought. And their stunned and confused reactions to her saying it gave it away.

"Oh yeah, that's right. I know you two are the towns answer to Bert and Ernie." Betty joked

Archie and Jughead's eyes popped open at the revelation of Betty knowing about them. "How the hell did you-" Archie questioned before being cut off by the blonde

"Word of advice. Keep your blinds shut when you're getting busy. My room is right opposite yours dude." Betty reminded him gesturing towards her window.

Archie clenched his jaw and looked down.

"But anyways, enough about how I know, you guys have gotta cut the shit and just come out already."

"Nobody asked for your hetero input Betty." Jughead snapped.

"Fine, be like that, if you wanna keep living in the shadows and letting it fuck up your love for each other and allowing some douchebags at school effect you that's your business." She finished before walking back over to her house. "Oh and keep the domestics down, Tyler's asleep.


Archie glared up at his shadow followed ceiling that night, going over Betty's words, they were running on a constant loop in his head, Jughead's too.

His whole life he had always felt like he needed to be better, to do better and never disappoint his family. Be somebody they could be proud of and live up to what he thought were their expectations.

Things only got tougher after his mother divorced his father and he feared disappointing and upsetting his father even further than he already was. The pressure did not help him in capacity.

What harm could coming out really do huh? Her finally be able to be himself, be happy with Jughead and wouldn't have to sneak around, not to mention the emotional and mental development that would follow, but with positives comes negatives, and the potential insults and comments by Bulldogs behind his back and people seeing him in a totally different light, the thought of it was almost bringing on a panic attack.

He had an early day tomorrow, he had to stop all these crazy thoughts at once and get some sleep but despite tomorrow being another day, the problem wasn't going away.

Amidst all the tosses and turns and the bad dreams and thoughts keeping him up the prior night, this morning he felt refreshed and ready, knowing what he had to do.

Rising from the comfort of his bed he began to walk carefully down the stairs, already hearing the discussion from his father, stepmother and stepsister as they were gathered for breakfast.

He stepped over Vegas who was asleep by the bottom stair and lightly stroked the friendly canine as he turned the corner.

He waltzed into the kitchen, the other three immediately paying attention to the apprehensive look and tightened jaw that donned his face. They always knew when something was bothering him.

"Morning Arch, you okay?" Fred asked as he turned the friers heat down. Hermione placed her coffee down and Veronica stopped eating her cereal.

"I'm fine, I just, need to tell you all something." Archie informed as he stepped closer to the kitchen island they were already sat at.

He could feel the worry in the room amongst the three of them as they prepared to listen attentively.

He clasped his hands at the table and sighed, preparing his speech. "Look, there's something, I've been meaning to tell you all, and be more open about but I've been scared."

"Just spit it out already, you're scaring us." Veronica spoke

"Ronnie!" Hermione interrupted.

"Go ahead son." Fred added

Archie locked his eyes with his father before turning back towards Hermione and Veronica. He took one last look at the table in front of him before speaking.

"I'm- I'm gay." He stuttered out. It was probably the most nerve wracking thing he'd ever done but he felt a huge weight being lifted off his shoulders and suddenly, the bound feeling he had been stuck with for years slowly erased itself. He finally felt liberated.

He looked back up towards his family and their reactions seemed neutral and they looked to be relieved.

"Archie, honey. We already know." Hermione revealed to him

Archie furrowed his brows and his mouth fell slightly agape. "You- you do?"

Fred walked around to Archie's side of the island and rested his hand upon his shoulder. "We just wanted you to come out when you were ready. We didn't want you to feel pressured son. And we're glad you finally felt comfortable enough to do so.

Fred pulled his son in for a hug and he embraced it, hugging his father back tightly. Hermione and Veronica joined in and for the first time in a while, Archie finally felt at peace with himself, there were tears shed, but they were happy, deriving from the relief of finally having this weight of his shoulder and his family embracing and supporting him no matter what.

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