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How are we liking the story so far? What do you think of the jumbled-up timeline, and how the story expands by new 'time-slots' being opened up? When I started writing this, I thought it would be interesting to write it in such a way that I can really deliver the 'scattered memories' line as stated in the introduction. I sincerely hope you are all having fun reading my story, getting to know the characters and the inner workings of their minds. I can't thank you all enough for tuning in every week and commenting and voting :)

Casper Hardwin, the night of the accident

"Yo man, your folks comin'?" Is the first thing Daniel said when I walked into the venue. I lift up my eyes from the text Juliet just sent me.

Daniel has quickly become on of my best friends, other than practicing almost every other day, we have the same classes and hang out after school a lot. Him replacing Kyle was the best thing that happened to me in a while.

"You bet."

"No way!" Daniel jumped from the crate he was sitting on and high fived me. "That's sick, bro."

"Yeah, it feels good, man. Finally they get to see my potential."

"Maybe they'll fund our battle of the bands thingy next month." Daniel playfully stuck his tongue out to me.

I lightly punch his arm.

"Think that's a step too far, but nice try."

"So, who can we thank for convincing your folks?" Daniel smirked.

"Juliet, obviously."

"Where is she? Is she comin'?"

"She was helping mom out with some stuff, which delayed her. Yes, she is coming. Like always." I gleamed.


"Not for you to look at though, focus on your drums – not my sister." I laughed.

"Haha, dude, who do you think I am? Music is serious business, 'kay?"

Daniel joins in with my laughter.

"Okay, mister serious, but what happens after a concert?"

"I guess I'll find out tonight." Daniel smirked again.

"Don't ever think about touching my sister, you jerk."

My gaze takes a walk around my surroundings. I have always loved the vibe backstage. People just hanging out, others working to make the show great. The one thing I love more, is being on-stage. But backstage is a close second, it's just a space of 'in-betweens'. It feels great having all these ambitious people around me.

There are just so many stories absorbed in these walls, and they all matter for me to go further with my own. The Underground is a great starting point for artists, after this, we'll be sure to get recognized more.

"Hey, ladies." Oliver greeted Daniel and me.

"Says who?"

"Alright, alright." Oliver sat down on an amplifier, "hey, it's getting pretty crowded out there, think it'll be a big show?"

"That depends on us." I told my bandmate.

"This is our biggest gig yet!"

"And after tonight, we can say goodbye to all those unpaid weddings and school dances!" Oliver exclaimed.

"We have an hour until we're up, practice a lil'?" Daniel asked, grabbing his guitar from the stand he brought with him.

"Let's do this."

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