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Casper Hardwin, 2 weeks after the accident

Multiple search parties are out to look for my sister. We basically split the town up, every nook and cranny gets searched through to look for her. A lot of people are in the forest, close to where the wreckage was. When I told people my sister was considered a missing person, they just stood up, put on their coat and started searching. I stood in the diner, at a loss for words. No one believed she could just vanish. If she was not in the car – where would she be then?

Jay had then stroked my back and whispered that we are grateful to have so many people on the look out for her.

2 weeks later, and the townsfolk is still busy looking for her. Sure, some of them dropped out from searching but nonetheless, I'm still glad I got so many people on the case.

Speaking of cases, Miller is fucking useless. He has yet to find any lead and he just keeps going through his papers in stress, to try and give me some sort of good-formulated answer. He sucks. I wish I could go at it alone.

Though, Oliver, Daniel and Jay stay by my side mostly. Chief Webster is Jay's dad, and today, he's the one with the search dogs. He had also spent a lot of his free time looking for her, ever since he picked me up from the venue.

Us four get on each other's nerves constantly – Oliver and Daniel try and be concerned, but they really aren't bothered that much. At least, that's the impression they give me. Jay gets irritated by them and we end up arguing constantly. For the rest of the time, we remain out of each other's way, as long as we all continue to do our job.

Jay is always very involved, not just in the case of my missing sister, but also in me. Things went pretty quickly for us and at one point, I worried if it was normal for things to go like this. I had never been in a relationship before - especially not under these circumstances – but the truth is, she is there for me when I need her. She and I have these conversations that are mind-blowing to me, it helps clear my head.

It's weirdly familiar spending time with her. Even though we never really talked before, it feels like we already said everything we needed to say to each other, like an instant connection. Her eyes are warm and indulge me, they're so gorgeous to look into. Like dark chocolate, and I happen to like the bitterness and pureness.

I like how she can distract me from the reality of my missing sister. Of course, I stay worried about her, but my energy gets drained so much from walking around town and its surrounding areas, just waiting to stumble upon a clue.

Initially, I am supposed to stay with aunt Olivia and uncle Ed, they're arranging to become my legal guardians. They've been great, especially aunt Olivia but they're just nothing like mom and dad. I just hope they don't worry too much about me, and that they won't notice I sneak out every night to stay over at Jay's.

"Cas, search parties are goin' home now. Think we should go too?" Jay's sweet voice woke me from my worries.

I had been gazing at the horizon, wrapped up in my thoughts for longer than I intended. I give Jay a glance and look past her, at the forest. The sun is setting and the air is tainted with blue. We've spent hours here today.

"Right, yeah. We're going."

Jay zips my coat further up. "How can you always have that halfway, it's cold, Cas. Take care of yourself."

I love how she coos over me. I smile at her before passing her by.

"Alright, everyone," I clapped my hands together and the noise echoes through the forest, "thank you all for helping out today, hope you understand how much I means to me. We might not have found Juliet today, but I'm sure we are a day closer."

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