Finna, who had been scouting ahead,  then came out of the woods.

"Is it safe?" Aria asked

"It's safe" Finna responded, "you ready?"

Aria and Finna then helped Merlin stand once again and they headed for the watchtower.

Not too far away, Morgana was on their tail. She was at the campsite Merlin, Aria and Finna had been attacked.

"There are no wounds." One of Morgana's men told her.

"There wouldn't be" Morgana rolled her eyes. Morgana then noticed a patch of red on the ground. She knelt down, took off one of her back gloves and touched the red substance. Blood. She smirked.

"She's been hit. Bring your men" Morgana ordered standing up.

Morgana and her men then continued to head for the watchtower.


Aria, Merlin and Finna finally reached the watchtower and started climbing to the top. Merlin kept stumbling due to loss of blood. The sun was just beginning to set painting the sky in soft blues, purples and reds

While going up the stairs, Merlin tripped at fell.
"How do you know this tower?" Merlin asked Finna as he lay weakly on the stairs.

"When you spend a lifetime, running. You know all the places to hide." Finna replied.

"Running from... Arthur?" Aria wonders

"And from your father before you" Finna answered

Aria looked down at her feet, feeling guilty and ashamed. This woman, who had shown her nothing but kindness, had spent her entire life on the run because of her family.

"No. It won't always be like this." Merlin smiled wearily his eyes dropping. "Things will get better."

"That is why I was sent. To help you both make it so" Finna smiled.

"What do you mean?" Aria looked at Finna confused.

Finna was about to answer but the trio then heard dogs barking, indicating that Morgana was quickly catching up to them.

Aria and Finna helped Merlin stand and the continued to make their way up the stairs.

They made it into a room cluttered with broken furniture and other random things that were all covered in layers and layers of dust.

Aria helped Merlin onto the floor as Finna locked the door.
"Why are you doing this for us?" Aria wondered

"Because without you or Emrys, Arthur cannot build a new world we all long for" Finna answered coming to kneel beside Aria and Merlin who had fallen unconscious again.

"I don't understand " Aria shook her head confused.

"For hundreds of years, the Catha have guarded their ancient knowledge. But now the time has come to pass it on to the two of you," Finna explained "for only you two can carry their hopes into the great battle itself"

"What? What battle? What on earth are you talking about?" Aria questioned looking extremely lost and confused

Finna didn't answer and just reached into her robes and pulled out a small box with beautiful markings engraved on it.

"Here" Finna handed Aria the box. "Guard it carefully. It shall help you and Emrys in the dark days to come"

"Thank you," Aria said still confused and unsure.

Defying Destiny - A Merlin Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now