Chapter 7 "On the run"

Start from the beginning

Jewel:*White Tiger had removed her hand from Jewel's mouth*What the hell are you planning

White Tiger:The boys will deal with it, for now I'll have to deal with you

Jewel:No!! I have to be the one to defeat Kilgrave, I have a plan!!

White Tiger:Your plan involves murder, we're not into that style, now stand down and let us handle it

Jewel:*looks back and sees a huge blue blast heading towards Spidey and Kilgrave*No wait!!*ran down the rooftop but was jumped from behind by White Tiger with her arm behind her*

White Tiger:I told you to stay down

Jewel:You're going to kill them!! Let go you bitch!!!*sees the blast hit towards Spidey and Kilgrave and rocks of the balcony and jumped everywhere then she started struggling to get up but was still being held down by White Tiger*Let go of me!!!!

Power Man:*standing on the rooftop*Did you get him

Nova:I might have missed, oopsie

Power Man:*he then saw Spidey laying on the balcony face down not moving*What did you do Nova

Nova:I told you already, I missed!!

Iron Fist:*ran on the building's rooftops and had leaped onto the balcony and had ran towards Spidey's unconscious body*Peter!!*had slowly turned Peter's body around and sees Peter opening his eyes and sees Peter face towards him in a confused expression then Iron Fist had took a deep breath of relief then hugs Peter with Peter still having the confused expression on his face*You're awake...I'm so happy...

Power Man:*gotten placed down the balcony by Nova then crosses his arms as he smiled*Well break it up now, thank god Peter is alive, no thanks to Nova

Nova:Look I said I was sorry!! Kilgrave just seemed to have disappeared

Iron Fist:Did you even have to shoot Kilgrave when he was near Peter?? You could have killed both of them

Nova:Yeah well luckily no one died, so chill

White Tiger:*up on the rooftop with Jewel in front of her with her arm behind her back*What do we do with Little Miss Attitude??

Iron Fist:We'll have no choice but to turn her in to Fury

Nova:Blondie's right, plus if we don't, we're stuck cleaning the whole helicarrier

Power Man:Are you sure about this?? What about Kilgrave?? He just got away, we have to find him

Nova:Dude, we don't even know where to look, we can't go around New York if they seen a purple man roaming around, we'll have to wait until webhead gets treated and to deal with Jessica

Power Man:Speaking of Web head, isn't he giving you full attention now Danny??

Iron Fist:*blushes to red*W-what?? No way!! Why would he be looking at me

Nova:My thoughts exactly, he looks like he's observing something

White Tiger:Enough talking, the more time we waste here the more Kilgrave gets away, just carry Peter to S.H.I.E.L.D for him to get treated

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