ad infinitum ; hwang hyunjin

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“Calm down,” Minho chuckled. “You still have four or five months before the actual shooting. You still need to be under some kind of acting class in an actual law firm to understand how attorneys, prosecutors and lawyers work and how a court in session.”

“Okay,” (Y/N) hugged her brother’s arm. “I’ll call PD-nim now.”


“What do you mean I’m late?”

Her assigned attorney, Hwang Hyunjin, the star player of SKZ Law Firm and the top lawyer with one hundred percent winnings, glared at her as he typed away on his laptop before arranging some folders on his office table. He had quite a number of cases on his hands, so he was in no time for chit chat or mentoring an actress intern.

Not on his watch.

“Miss Lee,” Hyunjin says, “You’re two hours late. Work hours start at eight in the morning, and you arrived at ten. And I have already told you that I absolutely hate tardy people.”


“This is a workplace,” he paused his typing job and looked at (Y/N) dead in the eye. “I don’t know what you CEO said, but this isn’t as place where you can have fun and rest.”

Earlier today, (Y/N) came to work at ten (because her brother kept pestering her to wake up at eight because she needed her beauty sleep regularly) and didn’t know how things work in a law firm. Once she had arrived, although she received a warm welcome from the CEO of the firm and the rest of the employees, she had been bombed by a shit ton of work by her assigned lawyer, and since she’s an actress who only had to go to school and study law for the first semester only, she came to a battlefield with no guns or a shield.

In short, she doesn’t know what’s going on in her surroundings.

Heck, she doesn’t even know how to transfer calls from a telephone to another telephone and copy documents on a copier machine.

“If you chose to become a secretary at this place, at least you shouldn’t be a nuisance to people who come here to work sincerely.”

Granted, Mr. Hwang Hyunjin may be the one of the best attorneys in the whole of South Korea (and possibly one of the most good looking guys out there), but he’s got a cold demeanor. He’s a professional lawyer and doesn’t know how to smile. People may think he’s a weird one who doesn’t know how to socialize but still has an own little group of friends.

“I don’t want to be a nuisance here either—”

“And since we’re on the topic,” he cut her off. Wow, talk about being rude. “I’m not quite fond of people like you who take their work frivolously. Miss Lee, this isn’t a set. This is a law firm, a world so different from how you view it on TV. So I hope you can get ahold of yourself and start acting appropriately.”

“What?” she was insulted. Sure, she may not know many things with regards to law and cases because she had to put a pause to her studies for her acting career, but she is able to understand things if she were to be helped out. And clearly, Mr. Hwang is not the right man for the job.

“I have no time for this,” Hyunjin glanced at his stack of paperwork and sighed, “you may go now. You can slack off or whatever, kill time until the end of work hours.”

(Y/N) was about to retaliate, but she realized that this argument between the two of them would only go downhill, as it is right now. So, she just bowed her head and left, going out of the office to dash straight to the restroom. There, she made sure there were no more people inside to lash out all her anger. She was already stressed with how her life and career had gone downhill, she was already stressed about her money because she had to pay cancellation fees and her lawyers, and she cannot afford an additional stress just because she had no idea on how things at a law firm work.

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