reattempt ; lee minho

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hola, my beautiful peeps. i apologize in advance for this crappy chapter, it's my least favorite atm bc it's not fitting my taste, and i'm not that good with royal au's.

third person

genre: fluff, royal au



The Queen of Magnolia looked at her sixteen-year-old daughter in disbelief. She shook her head and pointed a finger at her, eyebrows knitting together, showing the permanent creases on her aging forehead.

"Actions, my dear (Y/N). Look, you have to understand that this is for your future. For the future of Magnolia. The people need a king to rule them wisely, with a queen—"

"And do you think that I'm not capable of ruling them with justice, Mother?" Princess (Y/N) sneered, crossing her arms over her blood red Victorian gown, embroidered beautifully with golden sequins.

"Language, young lady!" the Queen roared loudly, luckily they were the only ones in the office of the royal couple located inside the palace, "As I was saying, our people need two wise persons to rule over them. And Prince Lee Minho is the perfect man for you. He is not only good-looking, he is also an expert in sword fighting and a legend in music. What's there to not like?" her mother questions.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, If only you knew, Mother. Then you wouldn't be speaking like you are now.

She smiled thinly at her mother, "I shall comply to the Queen's requests, and therefore my subjects shall arrange a royal gathering tomorrow, especially designed for the meeting with Prince Minho." she almost gagged at her own statement.

Her mother smiled. "Very well. (Y/N), I, on behalf of your father, the King of Magnolia, officially announce that you are to be betrothed to the son of the King and Queen of the neighboring kingdom Acadia, Prince Lee Minho."

How wonderful.


"You look glamorous as always, Princess (Y/N)," her royal servant, Hilda, says gleefully as she puts all the accessories intended for her.

The girl rolls her eyes, staring at herself in the large vanity mirror before her, "Thanks, but what is the purpose of me dressing up for a ball, if I were to meet with the man who broke my music box?"

Hilda sighed and put down the golden necklace on the table, "Miss, I do not know what exactly happened, but do you really have to hold a grudge on him? I mean, you were friends for such a very long time. Isn't it the perfect moment for you to make up for the past years you have missed?"

(Y/N) looked away, "I cannot, Hilda. I just cannot. You know how much that box means to me, it was given to me by my late father."

At the mention of the King's name, she teared up. Hilda was quick to grab a tissue from a box and dab it softly against her eyes, careful not to mess up her makeup.

"Miss, please do not cry. It will ruin your beautiful image," she joked.

(Y/N) giggled and sniffled, wiping away her tears as she straightened her body up. Making up her mind, she smiled genuinely at her reflection.

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