placebo effect ; han jisung

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play the song on top - NXT 2 U by 3RACHA 💕🎄

third person

genre: fluff


As (Y/N) sought warmth from Jisung's body, she shuffled closer to his side, the smell of his cologne sprayed all over his shirt filling her nostrils. She laid her head on his chest that felt soft from his fluffy hoodie. She felt like she was snuggled up next to a fluffy teddy bear that was bathed in perfume, not that she minded, though.

She, so badly, wanted to be mad at him, she wanted to lash out all her anger at him, because little did Jisung know he was the main cause of why (Y/N) and her boyfriend broke up less than twenty-four hours ago. But how could she, when all he did was to care for her, more than she expected him to.

Kihyun, her ex, was a big fat phony and cheater. But since he was so twisted, he constantly assumed that (Y/N) was the one cheating on him, with her own best friend, aka Han Jisung. And, even though she told him the whole truth, it didn't help that she often came home with Jisung's smell, one of his flannels draped messily around her shoulders, and a happy smile only he could put on her face effortlessly.

They were just best friends, of course, and that's all it's ever been.

Although, she secretly wishes, to be more than that.

Jisung breathed deeply, snapping her out of her trance. His hand hovered over her figure in a soothing manner, something he had done ever since she barged into his room, completely ignoring the tired calls of his college roommates. He continued to rub her shoulder up and down as they watched an awfully cheesy romance movie, its credits rolling up the screen of his laptop.

(Y/N) had rung him up last night in an ungodly hour, ranting to him about Kihyun, whom she found lying in bed, naked with another woman she recognized as her arch enemy from her highschool days, after a long, tiring day at work. Although the breakup was evident, it still feels like absolute shit when your own boyfriend cheats on you.

"I'm surprised that you're handling this very well," Jisung spoke up, his left cheek falling into place to find home on her head.

"Well," (Y/N) starts as she takes another spoonful of chocolate ice cream from her tub, "it was really obvious. Somehow, sooner or later we would part ways, but I never thought that asshole would cheat on me. Sure, it kinda hurts me, but I feel more happier that happened, because I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders."

Jisung laughed, "I bet he's regretting that he let someone as precious as you go."

"While I'm happy to be miles away from him. I'm so happy I want to treat the boys out to dinner tonight. It's Christmas, I wouldn't let them go hungry on this day."

"Wait, only them?" he pouted.

"Of course not," she laughed. "If you want, I'll set us up on a friendly date tomorrow. How does that sound?" she looked up at him, her arms tightening around his frame.

"Friendly date, huh?" he sighed sadly.

"Why?" (Y/N) was confused.

"I'll only be a friend to you, right?" he chuckled bitterly, his fingers lacing themselves through her soft hair. "Sucks."

"Wait, what?" she started to blush, already hinting on where this was going.

"I love you, (Y/N)," Jisung says truthfully, removing his arms around her and sitting upright on his bed, his palms pushing down on the mattress to support his body weight. "I have for a long time now. And I was planning on confessing to you during junior year in high school, but I never had the chance because of Kihyun. But today, I gathered up the courage, although I'm not expecting you to give me an answer right away, now that you've just gotten out of a recent breakup but I just want you to know that-"

"I love you too."

Jisung had shut up. He was taken aback, he was never expecting that kind of answer. But, he knew her better than anyone else. When (Y/N) says she loves someone, she really means it.

"You mean it?" he asks cautiously.

"Of course I do."

Jisung smiled, sighing out of relief. He collected her in his arms and dipped his head down to peck her forehead sweetly.

"I didn't want you to hate me," he says. "Confessing to you while you're with Kihyun or anyone else would have been a dick move."

"I could never hate you."

"I know," Jisung smiled and cupped her cheeks with his hands, leaning in and pressing his lips softly against hers. His eyes fluttered shut, kissing her passionately.

The happiest of the emotions were all (Y/N) felt at that moment. Her arms were around his neck as Jisung's hands trailed down her sides, their kisses being sloppier as seconds pass by.

Just then, he pulled away after hearing a soft moan escape the girl's lips. Jisung could feel his pants getting tighter by each second.

"Let's stop," he says with a flirty smile, his hormones still in a frenzy. "I don't want to force you into something I know you're not yet ready for."

(Y/N) blushed at what he meant, but her heart swelled at his sweetness. She leaned up and pecked his cheek, nestling her head on his chest.

"I love you, baby. Merry Christmas," she smiled.

"I love you too."


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- pealix_lee 💖

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