tutor ; lee minho

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your birthday will not stop me from looking for you in BTS' videos 😏

first person

genre: fluff, crush au, high school au


"For God's sake, could you please act like you want this?" I say exasperatedly, slamming my hands on the wooden desk as I scratch my head in frustration.

Minho glares at me, "It's not my fault that I suck at Maths. It's yours."

I look at him, bewildered. "Me? It's my fault?" I laugh bitterly. "How could it be my fault? You're the one who's never serious!"

His glare hardened even more and I swear, if I were a guy, he would've punched me like there's no tomorrow.

"I need a damned break! Math is killing my brain cells!" he almost roared.

I rolled my eyes. "As if you have a brain, dumbass." I took my Maths textbook and turned the other way, reading the next three lessons in advance.

My weekday afternoons became like this—always spent with the person I hate the most; Lee Minho.

He's always very cocky, and acts like he owns the whole place. Although he's very handsome and has killer moves in dancing, that doesn't change the fact that I hated him ever since he had bumped into me and made me drop my project that I had spent three weeks of sleepless nights working my ass out on it.

Whenever people would pass by and see us, they would always say that we always get on each others' nerves. That is very true. Just seeing his handsome face can ruin my perfect day.

Although I hate him, he managed to make a special spot in my heart, and even though I act like I don't care about him, I started to take notice about the little things he do, from every little routine he does before he practices his dance, to his weird habits.

To put it simply, I've developed a crush on him.

If you are confused as to why would I tutor Minho, it all started when our Maths teacher, Mr. Yang, asked me (more like forced me) to tutor him after class, in the said subject. Of course, I immediately rejected the offer, but then I quickly accepted when he threatened that he would lower my grades, and I wouldn't want that.

The problem is, Minho and I didn't get along. The two of us would always bicker and fight over the simplest and littlest of things. In other words, we would always feel mutual feelings of anger towards each other.

"But hey, I may not be an ace in Maths but I do know the answer to this problem." he says, now in a gentler approach, and I reluctantly turn around, and I see him writing something on a piece of paper.

I look over his shoulder and I gasp silently, he was writing a very hard math problem.

(A/N: picture above for the reference)

He then pushed the paper in my hands and smirked, "If you know the answer to that question I'll push away all my feelings of hatred toward you and offer a friendship betweent the two of us. And a bonus, I'll teach you a hip-hop dance. Sound good?" he said.

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