Cy smiles at the Captain of the ship, my lookalike, and they kiss. "And that's my fiancé, Oliver." Cy says and I watch past Cy make out with my past self Oliver. As I watch, I realize that maybe this captain is Sirened but there's no way. The way that this Captain looks at Cy is with true love, as if there was nothing else in the world he could have. It's raw true love.

"Oliver was a man I met in the sea. The only man I never sirened." As Cy talks the sea begins to get stormy and past Cy disappears from the memory and my past self gets back at the helm. I hear loud thunder, seeing lightning strike across the skies. The ship rocks up and down viciously and it begins to pour down rain soaking me and my clothes.

"While traveling through the seas, Oliver encountered a dangerous monster who me and my siren brothers and sisters had also been fighting

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"While traveling through the seas, Oliver encountered a dangerous monster who me and my siren brothers and sisters had also been fighting. Instead of letting him and his crew deal with it, we protected him and helped each other kill the monster." A giant kraken appears from the ocean wrapping itself on the pirate ship and the boat begins to crack and break.

Oliver begins to shout as he pulls out his sword fighting off the tentacles of the Kraken along with his men as they get thrown off the boat

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Oliver begins to shout as he pulls out his sword fighting off the tentacles of the Kraken along with his men as they get thrown off the boat. As they all continue to fight for their lives, a bunch of naked men and women jump out of the ocean with spears and land on the boat. They hiss at the kraken loudly and begin helping the pirate crew fight off the kraken as they stop their spears at the kraken. Cy and Lyn jump out of the sea and they both jump on to the kraken defeating the kraken together, as they stab the spears into the Kraken's eyes.

"After we saved each other, Oliver thanked us and it was true love at first sight. Oliver had given us a home and an entire village to stay in."


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SIRENS • STILES STILINSKI / BOYXBOYWhere stories live. Discover now