Chapter 8

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Silence surrounded the air during Reinne and Sho’s car ride back to her place. They didn’t know what to talk about; actually more specifically they both didn't know what they could talk about.

Sho reached out to turn up the volume on his car stereo and it started to play a nostalgic tune. Both Reinne and Sho smiled at the same time and Reinne began to speak. “How is your okaasan? She must miss you a lot since you’re constantly busy with work. How about your otosan? He must be stressed out because of the politics.”

He made a small nod and said. “Otosan (Father) and okaasan (mother) are doing fine. I try to visit them at least once a month.” Reinne nodded her head and pursed her lips tightly. She wanted to continue with the conversation but she couldn’t think of anything.

To break the silence, Reinne yawned and quickly covered her mouth with her hands. Sho chuckled under his breath as he concentrated on the road. “Tired? You can take a nap if you want. I can wake you up when we arrive at your place.” Sho said as he considered her working schedule. He knew that she was busy with her job because he is in a similar situation as her.

“It’s okay. The sugar rush from the hot cocoa will last me for a while.” Reinne reassured him with an excuse and they both went back to their silence.

He drove towards a traffic light and noticed that there was heavy traffic and construction work ahead. He sighed tiredly and said. “Well it might be a while to get you back home.”

She bit her lip and started to play with her fingers. As they continued to be surrounded by more silence, except for the radio that was quietly playing in the background, Reinne suddenly felt tired and sleepy. She knew that she hardly slept last night because she was excited to hang out with Sho again, but she tried very hard not to sleep in front of a person she likes, although that didn't work out when they were at the movie theater.

But her willpower wasn’t strong enough and her eyes slowly closed. She felt asleep and Sho noticed her. He smiled and wanted her to relax so when a good time came for him to take off his seatbelt; he took it off and reached over to the recliner beside Reinne.

He reached over and smelt her faint perfume that lingered around her neck. He began to be nervous and he didn’t want her to wake up in this awkward situation. Slowly Sho pulled on the recliner and pushed the seat gently down. Reinne was still sleeping and he sighed quietly in relief.

He quickly placed back his seatbelt so he could move the car a bit forward. The traffic was heavy and he had assumed that it was going to be a while until he could take Reinne and himself home.


Almost 45 minutes later, Sho finally arrived at Reinne’s condo building. He was surprised that she was living in an expensive and recently built condo complex. He had thought that she would be living at her mother’s house since hardly anyone is at home. But he had guessed that her agency had got it for her.

He parked his car in the nearby parking lot and looked over at Reinne. She looked peaceful and her tiredness was slowly disappearing from her face. Sho didn’t know what to do because he didn’t want to disturb her if she was getting a good night sleep.

He reached over behind him to grab an extra jacket that he had forgotten a few nights before. He was thankful that he had forgotten about it or he wouldn’t be able to cover Reinne with anything. Unless he had to take off the jacket he was wearing for her, which in these freezing temperatures, Reinne would surely complain to him how he should be covered up instead of her.

Sho slowly covered his spare jacket on top of her. He made a small smile and decided to turn off the engine. He crossed his arms and rested his back against his seat.

He started to stare at Reinne. Then he began to notice a faint scar on her nose and chin. He leaned in a bit closer to get a better look but he couldn’t tell if it was just a scratch or it was actually a scar. He bit his lip and his heart gradually started to beat faster. Their faces were only a few centimeters apart and he could lightly feel her breath against his skin.

He began to match his breathing with hers so he wouldn’t accidentally wake her up. Reinne moved her head and it was about to fall off the headrest when Sho quickly pushed it back and sighed in relief. A clump of hair had fallen on her face and Sho was hesitant if he should tuck her hair away from her face.

As Sho slowly reached out his hand towards her, Reinne moved her head again and her hair wasn’t on her face anymore. He smirked as he chuckled quietly to himself. He was a bit happy to be able to share a moment like this with her.

Sho reclined his seat and crossed his arms. His eyes slowly closed and he too, fell asleep.


Reinne groaned as she could feel her neck was a bit stiff. She opened her eyes and immediately felt the coldness in the room. She straightened her back and looked around her to notice that she was in a car.

She quickly widened her eyes and looked onto the side to see Sho sleeping. She made a small smile and suddenly remembered that she had some work in the afternoon. She had to take a shower and do some things before her work begins.

Reinne opened up her purse and began to scramble to find her cell phone. She took everything out and placed it on her lap, and she didn’t notice that her precious red charm had fallen to floor. Then she finally realized that she had placed her cell phone in a pocket inside her purse. She sighed in relief and placed everything back. She was about to check if she had any missed calls or messages, but she heard a vibration coming from Sho.

She looked around and heard the vibration coming from his jacket pocket. She slowly extended out her hand and slowly and quietly, unzipped the pocket. Then she carefully pulled out his cell phone. When she finally got a hold of his cell phone, she noticed that there were a few messages from his manager.

She widened her eyes and started to panic. She began to remember that Sho’s manager was going to pick him up at 7. Feeling guilty that she made Sho sleep in the car because she had fallen asleep, she became anxious and started to wake Sho up.

“Sho-kun! Sho-kun!” Reinne muttered and shook Sho back and forth until she heard a grunt from him. She bit her lower lip and Sho opened his eyes to see Reinne’s face. He quickly pulled his head back a bit and rubbed his eyes. “Hm? What time is it?” Sho asked a bit angrily.

Reinne sighed and gave his cell phone back to him. “Gomenasai! It’s almost 7 and your manager has been calling and texting you.” Reinne felt really apologetic and guilty that she was going to make him be late for his work.

Sho furrowed his eyebrows and was still confused about the situation. “Hm?” He checked his phone and quickly widened his eyes as he noticed the time.

Slowly his eyes reduced in size and he made a small chuckle. “Ah.. It’s okay. It’s just a wake-up procedure that my manager does with me. Usually I have a hard time waking up so my manager stops by my house half an hour before we have to leave. I’ll just tell him that I’m already out and I’ll meet him there.”

Reinne’s heart suddenly stopped beating for a minute and she let out a loud and relieved sigh. She placed her hand over her heart and felt so relieved when she had heard him say that.

“Mou (I've had enough)!” Reinne shouted to let out her stress that she had built up. Sho chuckled and had a huge grin on his face as he watched her reaction.

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