Chapter 6

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Reinne nervously walked into the café where Sho and her had decided to meet. She hesitantly stepped inside the café and looked around. “Over here.” Sho waved his hands with a huge smile and she nodded her head to him.

She sat down in the seat across from him and smiled as a waitress placed a cup of water in front of her. “I’ll take one hot cocoa.” Reinne said as she looked at her. The waitress nodded her head at her before she left to grab her order.

“It seems your taste hasn’t changed at all..” Sho trailed off as he leaned his arms on the table and chuckled at her. Reinne slowly nodded her head and her heart started to beat faster. She was glad that he remembered that her favorite drink is hot cocoa. She doesn’t like to drink coffee and she loves sweet things so whenever Reinne would visit a café or coffee shop, she would always order hot cocoa.

“Have you been waiting long? Gomenasai, the interviewers were bit late to our meeting place.” Reinne said apologetically. She was concerned that Sho would get upset if she didn’t explain why she was late. Usually she is always on time and she knew Sho would get a bit pissed off if he waited too long for her.

“I arrived here a few minutes ago. Anyways, what shall we do today?” Sho asked and Reinne widened her eyes. Then the waitress came with her hot cocoa. Reinne furrowed her eyebrows at Sho and asked. “Weren’t you the one who asked me out?”

Suddenly Reinne’s cheeks turned red and Sho’s turned a bit pink-ish. Reinne realized what she had said and didn’t want to say that they were out on a ‘date’, although she considered that it was.

“Ah.. I mean.. You know..” Reinne stuttered and kept telling herself to act like the present Reinne, not the Reinne that was always flustered and nervous when it comes to talking to people. Sho grinned and Reinne stared at him. “As I was saying, do you have anything planned because I want to visit some places.”

Sho perked up and furrowed his eyebrows at her. “Well I was thinking we could go watch a movie together since I got two free tickets from Jun-kun but if you want to do something else..” He trailed off and she quickly waved her hands in front of her. “Iie, that’s fine.” She picked up her drink and took a huge sip out of it.

Then when she placed the hot cocoa back on the table, Sho noticed a mustache of whip cream was stuck around her upper lip. Sho chuckled and Reinne noticed him chuckling. “Hm? What’s so funny?” Reinne asked, as she was clueless to Sho’s laughter.

“You have something here.” Sho said as he pointed to his face so he could tell Reinne that she had whip cream off from her face. “Oh.” Reinne muttered and grabbed a napkin. She wiped a part of the whip cream off and Sho kept chuckling at her. “It’s still there.” He said again and pointed it to her on his face.

Reinne wiped again but she had missed the spot again. Sho sighed quietly to himself and grabbed a napkin. He leaned in closer and extended out his hand to wipe the whip cream from her face. Reinne widened her eyes as she was left frozen to see Sho’s kindness towards her. This was her first time experiencing something caring from Sho.

When they were kids, Sho would often tell her many times about to wipe her face so this was a new experience to her and she kind of liked it. A small smiled appeared on her face and she bowed her head to him. “Arigatou (Thank you).” She muttered and looked away from him.

Sho as well looked away and for a minute or two, and the air around them started to be filled with awkwardness.


“Are you sure we go see this movie? I don’t want to be rude to Matsumoto-san but there are a lot of people that are going to see the movie as well. If someone recognizes you or me, there will be news about us together.” Reinne started to panic as they were walking towards the theater. Sho was carrying a drink and a bag of popcorn in his hands, while Reinne carried a small package of candy.

She got shivers down her spine, her head was lowered and her hands were trembling. She lowered her gaze so no could recognize her but on the other hand, Sho had a big smile on his face and he didn’t mind if they were going to be spotted. Most of the time people don’t even recognize him so he was sure they’d be able to enjoy the movie without any interruptions.

“Sho-kun..” Reinne whispered to him and he looked at her. “It will be fine. Just act normal and make sure you don’t stand out.” He assured her and they kept walking towards the theater that the movie was playing in.

When they reached to their theater number, they decided to sit in the middle. But they didn’t expect that it would be a full house.

As Sho was munching on the popcorn, Reinne decided to ask Sho about the movie since she had absolutely no clue of the plot of the story. All she knew that Jun was starring in it. “Ne, Sho-kun. What is this about?”

He slowly turned his head towards her and furrowed his eyebrows. He knew that this was an anticipated movie so he had thought that she would have heard of the movie before.

But before he could answer her question, the movie began to play. Sho stayed quiet and relaxed in his seat as the movie played.

Meanwhile Reinne was tensed that the movie was playing. It has been a long time since they went to watch a movie together. But as the movie played, Reinne’s eyes started to drop because of her working schedule. She had no days off except for today, which she had made sure to have since she promised to hang out with Sho. Reinne tried very hard to pay attention to the movie by pinching herself or lightly slapping her cheeks but she couldn’t stay awake.

Sho was too deep into the movie that he never noticed her strange actions. Slowly Reinne’s eyes started to close and her head dropped onto Sho’s shoulder.

Sho noticed her head on his shoulder and looked to notice that Reinne had fallen asleep. He chuckled to himself with a grin and continued to watch the movie.

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