Chapter 15

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Reinne quickly rushed towards their meeting place. She was 2 hours late and was feeling guilty that she had made Nino wait for 2 hours for her outside in the cold.

After eating breakfast at Sho’s house, she had stayed there until 2 p.m. They were talking about their past and happy memories so Reinne never noticed how much time past until someone had called Sho.

“Yabai, yabai, yabai (Oh no)!” Reinne muttered under her breath and ran with all her might. When she finally reached there, she turned her head quickly to search for Nino. Then there, she had saw Nino sitting on a bench that overlooked the view of the city.

She panted as she tried to catch her breath and slowly approached him. She had noticed something strange about him. But she decided to call out to him. “Ninomiya-san!” She called out but Nino blankly continued to stare. She slightly cocked her head and called out to him again, hoping that this time he would hear her. “Ninomiya-san!” But it was no use and the only thing she could do now was to approach him so he would be able to see her.

As Reinne slowly approached him, she heard him sigh and suddenly he turned his head to see Reinne. With widened eyes and a shocked expression, Nino quickly got up from his seat and smiled at her. She made an awkward smile and said. “Gomenasai (Sorry) I’m late, I just called out to you twice but you never responded. Is everything all right? You looked kind of depressed when I first saw you.” Reinne stared at Nino with a concerned look and his cheeks turned red as he turned his head away from her.

“I’m fine, just thinking about something.. Let’s go then.” Nino quickly took Reinne’s hand and they started to scurry into the busy streets of Tokyo.

But Reinne had a strange feeling as she stared at Nino’s back view. She wondered why he acted this way because he should have been excited that this was their first date together.

On the other hand, Nino had shaken off a past memory about Reinne and her relationship with Sho. It was when he was going to meet up with the other members since he had finished his previous business.

Yes because he had happened to see everything when Reinne and Arashi were outside the bar, especially that sudden kiss with Sho.

Nino dragged Reinne into a hat store because he had wanted to buy a hat and as well, enjoy trying out hats with Reinne.

“Sugoi (Amazing)! I have never seen a store like this before. There are so many hats to try on!” Reinne exclaimed as she tossed her head to the left and then to the right. Nino made a small smile and picked up a hat. It was a black and white fedora hat. He placed it on Reinne and she turned around to look at Nino. Then she turned to see a mirror beside her.

Reinne smiled and then turned back to Nino. “How do I look in it?” Reinne asked with a raised eyebrow. She was surprised when he had picked a hat for her. Nino nodded his head and said. “Normal. What about this one?” He had picked up an army-printed fisherman hat and replaced the fedora hat with the fisherman hat on top of her head.

Reinne turned around again to look in the mirror and giggled. “I look weird in this hat..” She muttered with a displeased look.

Reinne quickly took off the hat and then picked a red beret for Nino. Nino also looked in the mirror beside her and smiled. “Hm.. I don’t think so.” He muttered and Reinne kept trying on some hats.

“Excuse me, may I help you?” A store employee approached them with a smile. Reinne and Nino looked at her and then Reinne said. “We’re just looking. But do you have any knitted caps?” Reinne asked and scanned the store to see weird and unique hats but there weren’t any normal winter hats.

The store employee smiled and nodded her head. “It’s in the back. We have a wide range of knitted caps.” Reinne bowed her head and then she said. “Arigatou gozaimasu (Thank you).”

Reinne did what the store employee had said and walked towards the back, while Nino quietly followed behind her. “Are you looking for a hat?” Nino asked curiously.

Reinne shrugged her shoulders and said. “I usually get free hats if I ask but I’m looking for a knitted cap that doesn’t have a brand name or it’s not too expensive to wear casually.” Nino slowly nodded his head and was surprised when he heard that. He had suspected that a model like her, would want something brand name because brand names are usually the ones in fashion.

On the other hand, Nino didn’t know about Reinne’s past so she is perfectly comfortable with wearing sweats or even granny pants. That was one of those things that she had envied when she would see people wearing clothes that are considered unfashionable. They didn’t care about their looks; they looked comfortable and didn’t mind the weird looks from people faces. They are self-confident in who they are.


Next Nino and Reinne decided to stop by a music store. Reinne was interested in a song but she didn’t know the song’s name because she happened to hear it from a commercial. She thought that maybe she could find the title of the song by listening to the new releases from artists.

Slowly Reinne grabbed the headphones and placed it on her head. Nino smiled as he glanced at her. He couldn’t believe the super model standing beside him could act like an ordinary person. Then he even started to notice that her outfit wasn’t as extravagance as what she wore at the fashion show or in magazines. He plastered his smirk on his face as he scanned through the shop’s music collection.

Reinne pressed the play button and she scanned through the CDs until she could recognize a familiar tune. Then suddenly Reinne found the song she was looking for. She picked up the CD cover, which was placed beside the player and checked which number it was. She smiled and closed her eyes as the lyrics reminded her of a story she read long time ago about a sad lost love.

Nino noticed Reinne’s eyes were closed and he slightly cocked his head. He began to closely examine her face. The shape of her nose, the smooth and milky color of her skin and the plumpness of her lips, he started to become mesmerized by her beauty that he slowly leaned in before she opened her eyes. He started to remember the kiss she had with Sho. Annoyed and a bit pissed at the same time, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her towards him. Then he pressed his lips against hers and Reinne was surprised that she quickly widened her eyes and pushed Nino away from her.

She covered her lips with her hands and she became furious. She didn’t expect that he would kiss her. Reinne muttered. “Ninomiya-san.. Why? Why did you kiss me?” Reinne wanted an answer. She was confused, distraught and really angry.

Nino bit his lower lip and kept quiet. He didn’t even know what just happened. He was even surprised when he realized that he had kissed her.

She frowned and hastily placed the headphones back. She stomped away and he quickly grabbed her wrist. “Matte (Wait). I can explain.” He said in a pleading tone.

Reinne yanked her wrist off from Nino’s grip and frowned. “Have a nice day, Ninomiya-san.” She said before she continued to stomp away, leaving Nino feeling guilty and miserable for what he had did.

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