Chapter 17

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Reinne leaned her arms silently as she saw the fishermen boats traveling in and out of the bay. She sighed, letting out a puff of white smoke out from her mouth. She was cold but she didn’t mind it. She wanted to shake off what had happened with Nino. She felt guilty and angry with herself that she should have just decline the date in the first place. All she wanted to do was to get to know Nino since she didn't have a lot of friends in Japan, but it turned out that Nino wanted something else to prosper in their relationship.

As she stared at the lonely and calm bay, she noticed a couple walking behind her.

“Ne, what do you want to do tomorrow for New Years Eve? Shall we go to a countdown party?” The guy said as he snuggled closer with his girlfriend. The girl giggled and shook her head. “My friend and I are going to the Johnny’s Countdown at Tokyo Dome.” She said excitedly like her favorite boy bands were more important than her own boyfriend.

The guy frowned and pecked a kiss on her cheek. “How come you didn’t invite me? Don’t you love me?” He said and stared into her eyes. The two were lovely dovey as they passed by Reinne. She overheard their conversation and sighed again. Reinne clapped her hands together and began to rub them together so she could keep herself warm.

“Maybe I should leave this place.. I don’t want to hurt anyone else. As well I don’t want to keep wounding my heart by waiting for Sho..” Reinne muttered and turned around to lean her back against the railings. Then she pulled out her cell phone from her purse and turned it on.

She decided to call Sumi to agree with the contract. Her main purpose for returning to Japan was to be able to confess to Sho and she wasn’t able to do that. Instead of always waiting for him, she wondered that maybe going to London will help her find a new love.

Reinne had a feeling that Sho will always treat her as a younger sister. She then began to dial Sumi’s number. The phone rang and a few second later, Sumi picked up.

“Ah Reinne-chan, what’s wrong?” Sumi asked in a concerned tone. Reinne forced a smile and looked up at the winter sky, it was filled with small stars, which sparkled as a tear ran down her cheek. “About that contract, I’ll..” Before Reinne could finish her sentence, someone had grabbed her phone off from her hand.

She quickly turned around and widened her eyes. “Reinne-chan? Reinne-chan?” Sumi asked as she panicked on the other end.

Reinne gasped as she saw a tired looking Sho in front of her. “Sho-chan..?” She muttered and Sho looked down at her phone. He ended the call and stared back at Reinne. “Why..? How come..” She mumbled in confusion.

Reinne was uttered speechless with a half-opened mouth. All of sudden he hugged her and started to whisper in her ear. “I’m glad you’re alright. I was so worried about you.”

Reinne who was still shocked, slowly furrowed her eyebrows and wondered what he was talking about. Did something happen to Sho that he was scared for her? All she did was gone out with Nino on a date, which ended in a disaster.

Reinne’s heart began to beat faster as she felt his warmth in this cold weather. “Sho-kun.. I’m fine.” She assured him and he slowly let go of her. Sho blushed and looked away while Reinne let out a small giggle. “I was so worried when I tried calling you many times but you didn’t pick up. I thought you got lost or someone was trying to hurt you, after all you’re a celebrity.”

Reinne blinked and began to stare into his eyes with a bitter look. “Gomen (Sorry). I was thinking about something and there was someone who kept calling me so I took out my battery. But..” She began to trail off and started to wonder why Sho ended her call with Sumi. Reinne started to wonder Sho’s intentions.

“Sho-kun, why did you end my call? I was talking to Sumi-chan.” She said and he bit his lower lip. Reinne forced herself to smile at him and then said. “Sho-kun, I’ve decided to..” Before she could finish her sentence, Sho suddenly kissed her on the lips.

Reinne’s heart was beating rapidly and she was so excited and joyous that she was kissing Sho. Her thoughts were filled with endless thoughts and questions.

A few minutes later, Sho slowly took his lips off from Reinne and she was too shock to even move any parts of her body. She was confused, happy and perplexed. “I.. We..” Reinne tried to force herself to speak but she was still uttered speechless. Then she started to think that everything that had happened was a dream.

She started to slap her cheeks with her red and cold hands when Sho stopped her with a chuckle. “Why are you hitting yourself? Your cheeks are going to turn redder if you hurt yourself in this weather. How about we go inside to warm ourselves up?” Sho suggested and grabbed Reinne’s wrist. He started to drag her to a place where they could chat.

While Reinne was surprised that she didn’t even say anything. All she did was followed Sho in Tokyo’s white winter wonderland.


Once they arrived at a cafe, Sho pushed down the puzzled and very confused Reinne in a seat and Sho quickly walked to the other chair across from hers and sat down. A friendly looking waitress with a plastic smile asked. “What would you like to order?”

Reinne began to stare at Sho and Sho glanced at Reinne before he started to chuckle. He looked back at the waitress and said. “One coffee and one hot cocoa.” The waitress nodded her head to him and scurried away.

Meanwhile Reinne slowly blinked her eyes at Sho and started to wonder if Sho was doing this as a prank or someone had hypnotized him.

“Sho-kun..” Reinne trailed off and Sho looked at her with a sweet and warm smile. “Hm? What’s wrong?” He asked her soft and sweetly.

Reinne snapped out and started to shake her head. She stared deeply into Sho’s eyes but then she started to be mesmerized with his eyes. Reinne let out a tired sigh and dropped her head. “Ugh, I don’t know what to do anymore.” She muttered to herself.

Sho cocked his head and asked. “What’s wrong?” Reinne was having a hard time with everything that just happened. This was just too much for her to handle in one day. First she woke up to notice she was in Sho’s house, then she had a date with Nino. Proceeded by a sudden kiss from him and now she just kissed Sho.

Reinne placed her hands on the table and laid her head on her arms. Her heart was confused and her head was started to hurt from looking back on the day.

Sho smiled and slowly reach out his hand and gently placed his hands on top of hers. Reinne slowly looked up and blinked her eyes at him.

“I don’t want to let go of these hands ever again.” He said with weary eyes and Reinne widened her eyes at him, leaving her speechless again.

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