Chapter 2

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Reinne causally flipped through the fashion magazine she was holding in her hand. She was bored but she wasn't interested in the content of it. There was a cover story of her included in it, but she didn't really care what the interviewer had chosen to place in the interview. She knew that most of the questions that were asked were about her modeling career and her personal life, which she told them the same thing over and over again. She's single and she is looking for a handsome, fashionable and nice guy.

Whenever she was asked a question about her private life, she would get a bit irritated. Reinne hates it when unnecessary people want to know whom she likes, dislikes and loves. She would rather model half-nude, although it's very uncomfortable for her, than to be harassed by people about her romantic life.

"Reinne-chan, are you ready? They're calling for you now." Sumi asked with a smile and she looked up at her. She made a smile back and placed the magazine back on the table before she got up to leave the room. When she walked outside, there was an AD waiting for her. "Follow me please." He said with a bright smile on his face. He was a fan of hers and he was excited that he got to speak to her.

Reinne nodded her head and started to follow the AD, while Sumi followed behind her. As Reinne walked, everyone looked at her and started to whisper about her. Most of their comments were good like they were envious of her skin and body; also they liked her outfit that she coordinated herself.

Reinne walked down a hallway and didn't notice the person she wanted to meet was nearby.

Sakurai Sho forced a smile as a cleaner who worked for the building approached him and she was a big fan of Arashi. "Can I have your autograph? My niece is a huge fan of yours." She asked with sparkling eyes and full of eagerness.

Sho kept his awkward but polite smile and started to sign a small piece of paper. He was glad to know that he has another fan but he was concentrating on reading his newspaper before he was interrupted.

"Ne, did you hear Reinne Sanchez is in the building? I want her autograph so badly. She hardly hands out her autograph.." A girl squealed as two girls walked passed Sho.

Sho quickly widened his eyes and looked at the girls who had passed by him. He slightly cocked his head and began to wonder if the Reinne Sanchez they were talking about was the same one.

He sighed quietly to himself and shook away his thoughts. He wanted to finish dealing with the cleaner before he started to worry about meeting her again.

Reinne and Sho have known or at least 7 years ago, known each other since they were little. Reinne and Sho are both the first-born child in their families and as well, they share the same birthday. Sho is an hour older than Reinne and when they were kids, he would often tease her about it.

Their mothers were close because they share the same hobbies and interests, so Reinne and Sho would often play in the park together when they younger.

Then when it was time for them to go to school, their mothers decided to let them go to the same school. They were hoping that something would bloom between Sho and Reinne because they wouldn't mind if they became one big happy family.

But they gave up after figuring out that maybe it wasn't meant to be.


Reinne flipped through her magazine in her dressing room and let out a sigh. Meanwhile Sumi was preoccupied with scheduling her day for tomorrow. A few minutes later, Reinne let out another sigh. At first Sumi was okay with a few sighs but once she heard one every minute, she grew annoyed.

Reinne picked up her drink and took a sip out from it. Sumi then decided to tell her some good news that she would probably want to hear. "Reinne-chan, one of our sponsors has chosen you and a famous group that they also sponsor to hold a fashion show of their new line. Kaori-san is the one coordinators of the show. So you should be happy.." Before Sumi could finish her sentence, Reinne quickly spat out her drink and stared at Sumi. "Hontou ni (Really)? Since when?"

Reinne has admired Kaori, a famous fashion designer from America. She is half-Japanese as well so they both got along with each other very easily. Kaori was the one who helped Reinne become the model she is now 5 years ago when she started out as a newbie. Kaori also used to model when she was in her pre-teens but quit modeling to pursue her dream as a fashion designer.

Reinne quickly pulled out her cell phone from her purse and started to text a message to Kaori, saying that she was excited and thrilled to see her again.

"The other people that you're going to.." Sumi wanted to continue but Reinne's squealing interrupted her. Sumi slowly shook her head and combed her hand through her hair. "Should I even bother?" Sumi muttered and closed her planner.

When Reinne sent her text message, suddenly Reinne got a flashback of those days when she started to model. Those days were filled with frustration, irritation and sometimes humiliation but she had to endure it because she wanted people and herself to believe that anyone can be pretty. All you have to do is try and work hard in order to strive towards your dreams.

"Reinne-san, are you ready for the shoot?" A staff member knocked on the door and then popped her head inside Reinne's dressing room. Reinne tossed her head and smiled as she nodded to her. "Hai (Yes)."

She stood up from her seat and placed her cell phone on the table. She followed behind the staff member with tired eyes and a forced smile planted on her face. She wondered if she made the right choice to become a model instead of finishing med school like she had hoped to do 7 years ago.

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