Chapter 10

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It was an early Wednesday morning and Sho somehow felt energetic and his face was surprisingly not that swollen. He was kind of happy that he was going to see Reinne again. He was heading to the Johnny & Associates building because Johnny-san wanted to talk to him for a bit. Sho climbed into his car and was about to start the engine, when he noticed something bright lying in the passenger’s seat.

He furrowed his eyebrows and slowly picked it up. His eyes slowly widened as he noticed a familiar red charm he gave to Reinne 9 years ago.

It was Reinne and Sho’s first year in university and they were stressed out with exams. So they decided to visit a temple to pray for good marks on their exams. Reinne wasn’t worried with her exams because she knew them off by heart since all she did was study but on the other hand, Reinne had prayed that Sho would be able to pass his exams. She was worried that his parents might force him to quit Johnny’s if he wasn’t able to handle both work and school.

Afterwards, Reinne both a charm and gave it Sho, then Sho decided to give his charm to hers since he felt bad that she bought him a charm.

Sho smiled to himself as he remembered that day when they visited the temple together. “So you’ve kept this all along..” He muttered to himself and a smile grew on his face.

He carefully placed the charm in his pocket and started the car. He told himself to remember to give back the charm to Reinne when he sees her again.


“Welcome to the first dress rehearsal before the actual show. I’m glad everyone could make it because with everyone busy for the holidays, we are also a bit short on staff members so please be patience with us.” Kaori said and bowed her head. She had a big number of staff members to help on the actual show date, but everyone is busy with preparing with holiday shopping or traveling overseas to spend Christmas with family members that they wouldn't be able to do on the actual day. She was kind of short-handed with help that day.

“First we are going to do a practice run without any music or lights. I want to see your walks and we are going to work out the cameras. Then we’re going to have another run with lights and music. Lastly before we end for today, there will be a surprise at the end.” Kaori said with a slight smirk before she crossed her arms.

Arashi, Reinne and the other models had confused and puzzled looks on their faces. They started to wonder what kind of surprise did Kaori have in store for them.

“Okay the first group of models, please get ready to get up on stage. One of my staff members will be helping out with the directing. Arashi-san, since you are the special guest for this runway show, you will be appearing last, along with Reinne-chan. Reinne-chan, you’ll be appearing in every collection since you’re a professional and many people look forward to seeing this show because of you.” Kaori said and smiled.

Reinne nodded her head and was happy that Kaori relied on her help. She would do anything for her because Reinne had admired her. What gave Reinne strength to continue to pursue her modeling career was because of Kaori.

“Okay, let’s begin!” Kaori shouted and everyone shouted. Reinne smiled and started to head to her position, while there was a bright smile plastered on Sho’s face. He was delighted and thought that it has been a really long time since he seen her smile.


After the two rehearsals were done, Kaori gathered everyone. Everyone was exhausted and started to get sleepy because it was 2 in the morning.

Kaori with a huge grin on her face clapped her hands together to grab everyone’s attention. “Minna-san (Everyone)! Great work! I can see that the show will be a success on Christmas Eve! Before I let everyone off, I want to make an announcement.”

Reinne furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms. She knew Kaori was sneaky and likes to play tricks but she always knew what she was up to, however she didn’t know what was up her sleeves this time. She started to think that this was the surprise Kaori had mentioned before they started the rehearsals.

“As a finale for the fashion show, some designers and I from the company have designed a wedding dress. Many people don’t have weddings during the winter but we want to prove to everyone that you can get married at any season. Christmas is known as the day for couples, correct?” Kaori asked around and some people bobbed their heads to her question. “This dress that we’ve designed is one of a kind which you can remove certain parts of the dress to fit the season. No many how many layers it has on, it is elegant, graceful and beautiful like a regular wedding dress.”

Kaori smiled and stared at Reinne. “Reinne-chan, I’ve decided to let you wear the dress. I hope you can make this dress shine.” Reinne widened her eyes and dropped her mouth. She didn’t expect to be wearing a wedding dress and especially in front of Sho. Everyone started to clap for her.

Sho slowly glanced at Reinne with her shocked expression; he chuckled under his breath and smiled to himself, and then he started to clap along with everyone else.

“Since this fashion show is a hot topic in the fashion industry right now, the designers and I have also designed a groom suit. It’s not as fancy as the wedding dress but it matches the dress and it can make any man with any body size or shape making them look thin and handsome.”

Reinne held onto her breath as she anticipated what Kaori was going to say next. She knew that if she was going to wear the wedding dress then that must mean that..

"As everyone modeled today, I closely observed each one of you to see who was suitable to walk down with Reinne-chan. So I finally made my decision." Kaori said with a huge smirk.

Meanwhile both Reinne and Sho’s hearts started to beat faster. Reinne had hoped that she was going to pick Sho so she could maybe get a glimpse of their future. While Sho wanted to walk down with Reinne because he already knows her. He had thought she would be more comfortable walking down with him than anyone else.

“The one I choose is..” Kaori trailed off and started to scan at the members. Slowly a smirk crept on her face when she stopped and looked at someone. “Ninomiya-san, I choose you.” She said and Nino widened his eyes. “Me?” He was surprised that Kaori had chosen him. He had thought that he wasn’t good enough to walk alongside Reinne.

Sho widened his eyes and clenched his jaw tightly. He was a bit disappointed but he didn’t mind that Nino was chosen. He thought that if it were Nino, she would easily get along with him.

Everyone in the room started to clap again and Nino glanced up to see Reinne. He could see a smile on her face but when he looked at her eyes, they were filled with a bit of disappointment. He furrowed his eyebrows and wondered if she wanted someone else other than him to walk down with her.

Reinne was a bit sad but she knew that it was totally up to Kaori to decide whom she was going to walk with. Kaori was the one in charge so she had no say and she didn’t want to express her true feelings out by disagreeing with Kaori’s decision because.. She was scared that Sho still looked at her as his little sister.

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