Chapter 1

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"Okay look over here." The cameraman said as he grinned through his camera lens. He was in a happy mood because he was taking pictures of the famous super model Reinne Sanchez.

Meanwhile Reinne posed as she was thinking she had to look professional. She didn't want to be made fun of since she has a reputation to keep up. If she took horrible looking pictures, then the cameraman and the magazine company would start to doubt her professional skills.

"Okay, we're finished. Otsukare-sama deshita (Thank you for your hardwork) Reinne-san." The cameraman said with a huge smile and the other members began to clap. Finally they were done with the photo shoot.

The exhausted and tired Reinne forced a smile and bowed her head before she started to walk back to her dressing room.

As soon as she reached her dressing room and the door shut behind her, she dropped on the tatami mat and lay down. "Sumi-chan, please tell me I have no more photo shoots. I want to go home and take a nice bath. Then get a good nice sleep." Reinne yawned and glanced behind her to see Sumi with a smirk on her face. She was flipping through her planner to see Reinne schedule.

"Luckily for you, you are finished for today but you have to travel to Yokohama for a photo shoot and a interview tomorrow afternoon. The company van will be picking you up at 6 in the morning." Sumi said with a grin plastered on her face and Reinne let out a loud sigh.

"You know I hate you for teasing me like this. Ever since I came back to Japan, all I've seen on your face is either a smirk or a grin. I know you have nice intentions but can't you smile more?" Reinne complained and Sumi shook her head.

"My life is busy as yours since I'm your manager. Plus, it's fun teasing you since it's really easy to." Sumi stuck out her tongue and began to giggle. Reinne giggled along with her and didn't say anything back.

Sumi is Reinne's manager in Japan. Reinne came to Japan during the end of November and Reinne's agency believed that Reinne needed someone to assist her while her stay in Japan. Due to her success in many countries like France and America, Reinne grew very popular in Japan because many people were surprised she is half-Japanese.

Reinne's mother is 100% Filipino and was born in the capital city, Manila. She traveled to Japan when she was 27 years old in order to become a full-fledged nurse at a distinguished Japanese hospital. She was accepted when she was 32 and met Reinne's father who was in a minor traffic accident. They fell in love and got married.

Reinne loves her parents very much but she had wished that when she was growing up, she would have more moral support from them. Due to her mother's demanding job and her father working overseas most of the time, she often grew lonely and didn't rely much on other people.

"Ne, what do you want for Christmas?" Reinne asked suddenly which made Sumi furrow her eyebrows at her. "Christmas? You're getting me a present, although we've known each other for 2 weeks?" Sumi was surprised that Reinne was nice to think about her although she knew that she had teased her a lot.

She nodded her head and smiled. "Ever since I came back to Japan, you helped me adjust so much. My Japanese was a bit rusty and with the technology and new words that I haven't heard or seen before, you helped me adapt to it. I used to think those gyaru girls were mental cases or they were hypnotize by someone who was leading a revolution.." She started to scratch her head and took off her jacket.

Sumi lowered her head and shook her head. "Reinne-chan.. I'm so flattered but you don't have to get me a present. Just make sure you have more work to do so I can finally get my 3D TV and blu-ray player that I always wanted. Unless you want to buy those things for me.." Sumi trailed off and raised an eyebrow at Reinne.

Reinne giggled and waved her hands out in front of her. "It's okay. I'll make sure I earn more money for you." She forced herself to laugh and Sumi nodded her head like she knew that was going to be her answer.

Reinne got up and grabbed her cell phone that was on the make-up table. She scanned through her inbox and noticed that she had received unimportant text messages from her model friends. Reinne never considered them as friends because they weren't actually "friends", they were more like acquaintances and to become famous in the modeling industry, you need to have friends from the same field in order to be popular.

She sighed and scanned through her contact list. She stopped the screen on a specific contact on her phone. She bit her lower lip and wondered if it would be good time to call him. Especially since it has been 7 years since they lost contact with each other.

She let out a heavy sigh and placed her cell phone back on the table. She started to change back into the clothes she came in and hoped that she would gain enough courage to press that call that person.


She lowered her head as she tried to avoid eye contact with the people on the street. She bit her lower lip as hard as she could, if she had knew that if the streets were going to be filled with couples, she would have chosen another day to go out.

Reinne was envious of the couples out on the street. They were either holding hands, arms tightly linked together or the girl would have her head resting on the guy's arm as they walked. She always wanted to do those things with a boy, especially a particular guy that she knows but she never had the courage to confess to him.

"Isn't she pretty? She makes that outfit look good to wear but last week I bought that and it didn't really suit me.." A girl muttered as Reinne passed by her and by her side was her boyfriend. "I heard she's in Japan to promote her first photo book. I have a friend who is one of the staff members of a magazine that she's in. He can probably let us meet her. Do you want to go?" The boy said and the girl suddenly jumped up and down. "Maji de!? You're the best!" She hugged her boyfriend and Reinne sighed as she walked away from them.

She was on her way to visit her mother at the hospital where she works at. It has been a long time since they last saw or talked to each other and it was a few weeks until Christmas so she wanted to ask if she was going to be free on Christmas Day.

With her warm mittens and her breath turning into smoke from her mouth, she wanted to quickly arrive to the hospital where it was warm. She had forgotten the cold winter days in Japan but it wasn't as bad as the winter nights in New York, where she had stayed most of the time.

She rubbed her hands together to warm up herself and then she saw a huge billboard with a familiar face plastered on it. She made a small smile and started to mutter. "It won't be long until I get to see you again."

Meanwhile someone sneezed as he was sitting in a van with his group members.

"Did you catch a cold Sho-kun?" One of his group members asked with a concerned face. This was the time to catch colds and flu because of the freezing temperatures.

"I don't think so.. Maybe someone is talking about me.." He trailed off and wondered if his sneeze was a sign for the days to come.

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