Chapter 7

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The movie ended 2 hours later. As everyone was leaving the theater, Sho kept nudging Reinne to wake up. “Reinne-chan..” He whispered and slowly she opened her eyes to see the credits rolling and no one sitting in front of her. “What happened?” Reinne asked and rubbed her eyes with her hands.

Sho chuckled and joked. “Did you like the movie?” She quickly widened her eyes and forgot to watch the movie. “Ah!” She exclaimed and quickly took her head off from Sho’s shoulder.

“I slept through the movie!” She exclaimed again and began to panic, but at the same time she was embarrassed that she was resting her head on his shoulder. “What should I do..? Sumi-chan had asked me to tell her about the movie if I went to go see it, but I slept through it..”

Sho smiled and got up from his seat. “We could watch the movie at the next showing..” Sho was about to leave to buy a ticket but then she quickly grabbed his wrist. He tossed his head towards her and Reinne shook her head. “I don’t want to force you to watch the same movie twice in a row. I’ll just.. I’ll find a summary or review online and tell her based on that.” She forced a laugh and quickly let go of Sho’s wrist.

Her cheeks were flushed and she could feel a cold sweat on her forehead. Reinne got up and smack her forehead as she was leaving the theater. Sho giggled quietly to himself as he walked behind her.

When they exited the theater, the gentle white snow that was falling from above them mesmerized Reinne and Sho.

She slowly extended out her hand and felt the cold snowflake on the palm of her hand. “Ne, Sho-kun can you take me somewhere?” Reinne said as she stared at the sky. He furrowed his eyebrows and slightly cocked his head. “Sure. Where do you want to go?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Reinne looked at him and made a small smile. “Tokyo Bay.”


“Wow this placed hasn’t changed at all!” Reinne gasped, as she smelt the fresh salt water and felt refreshed. Sho smiled but he was a bit curious to why she wanted to visit this place. He had no recollections of memories that he had shared with her at Tokyo Bay so he wondered if it was a special place for her.

Slowly Reinne’s eyes started to become weary and she began to remember that this place held a lot of memories that she had shared here. Whenever she couldn’t take it at school or she felt too lonely, she would stare out into the sea to find serenity.

The very first time she visited Tokyo Bay, it was purely by accident. It happened about 17 years ago when she found herself wandering to Tokyo Bay. She found out that her parents had decided to get a divorce because they were busy with concentrating with their own work and whenever they saw each other, they would break out into arguments.

She would sit on a bench and let all of emotions spill out. No one disturbed her and she was surrounded by the sounds of birds or people walking by.

A small tear rolled down Reinne’s cheek as she stared out into the distance. Sho noticed her crying and bit his lower lip. “Daijoubu (Are you okay)?” He asked softly to her.

Reinne forced a small laugh and quickly wiped her tear away. “Gomen (Sorry). I was just remembering something.” She forced a smile to make sure Sho didn’t worry about her any further. “Ne, what are you going to do for Christmas? It’s coming up soon.” Reinne wondered if he was going to visit his family or hangout with his friends. She wanted to give him a present, which she hasn’t gotten any time to buy yet.

“I’ll probably stop by my parents’ house for dinner and then hang out with some of my friends. How about you?” Sho asked with a raised eyebrow and pondered if she had anyone to spend Christmas with. He knew that her mother was constantly busy and her father was overseas. She doesn’t have any siblings and her relatives are back in the Philippines.

Reinne sadly shook her head and kept smiling although she didn’t want to smile. “I’ll probably stop by the hospital to drop my gift for my mother but other than that, I’m going to sleep in. Lately I’ve haven't been getting any good sleep as you can tell..” Reinne trailed off and started to remember that she fell asleep on his shoulder during the movie.

He chuckled and nodded his head. “Well if you want to, you can celebrate Christmas with my family. My okaasan (mother) will be thrilled to see you again. Also some of my cousins are huge fans of yours.” Sho tried to encourage her since he knew that she was always alone no matter what occasion it is; her birthday, Christmas and even New Years. She always spends it alone by herself.

When she was America, she had a few friends to spend these holidays with but she could tell that they only hung out with her because she was famous and pretty. She never considered them as ‘real’ friends, except for Sho.

“Sou ka (I see).. But I don’t want to intrude on your family gathering. It’s okay, I’ll find something to do.” Reinne felt bad that Sho was going to do that for her but she didn’t want to be rude. He had family members to spend Christmas with.

He frowned and crossed his arms. He knew she was persistent but he cared for her and he was going to be persistent back until he ends up winning.

Sho opened his mouth and was about to speak when his cell phone rang. “Excuse me for a moment.” He said to Reinne and she nodded her head to him. She turned back and began to stare out into the distance again.

“Moshi-moshi (Hello)?” Sho answered the call and he could hear his panicking manager on the other line. “I forgot to mention to you that you have a TV interview tomorrow morning. Since you were going to sleep in tomorrow, I was thought that it would be better if you knew before hand. So get some sleep tonight and I’ll be at your house at 7.” His manager said and quickly hung up the call.

Sho sighed tiredly to himself and looked at Reinne. “You have to go home now? Gomen (Sorry), I overheard your conversation.” She bit her lower lip and played with her fingers. He made a small smile and nodded. “I can drop you off to where ever you are going to.”

She quickly waved her hands in front of her and said. “Iie (No), it’s okay. I want to take the bus since it’s been a long time since I rode one. Then I’m going to head home and finish getting some sleep.” She started to remember again about what had happened earlier. She smiled at him as she bowed and she started to walk away when Sho quickly grabbed her wrist. Reinne tossed her head back and half-opened her mouth. She stopped and looked up at Sho to see his cheeks were slightly turning pink.

She smiled at him and he hesitantly let go of her, and then said. “It’s okay. I can drive you home.” His cheeks were starting to turn redder and Reinne giggled. “Sure. Arigatou (Thank you).”

As they were walking towards his car, Reinne was happy that she spent some time with Sho and her heart confirmed that she was still in love with him.

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