Chapter 19 [Final]

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Reinne and Sho were left a bit speechless as they watched Nino walking farther and farther away from them. Suddenly Reinne’s phone rang again and she noticed that it was Sumi.

“Oh, Sumi-chan, what’s up?” Reinne answered the call and Sho began to wrap his scarf around Reinne. Reinne blushed and she was too happy as she tried to hide her excitement from him. “What happened? You called me about the contract and suddenly hung up on me. Are you okay?” The worried and concerned Sumi was pacing up and down in her house. “I tried calling you when I was free but your line was busy.”

Reinne chuckled and nodded her head. “Yeah, I’m fine. About the contract..” Reinne trailed off and Sho looked at her. Sumi nodded her head and opened up her planner. Reinne took a quick glance at Sho and then stared at the sky. “I’ve decided to not take the offer. I think I’m going to stay in Japan for a while. I need some time to catch up with this city that I was away from for 7 years.” Reinne smiled and looked at Sho. He smiled at her and Reinne hung up her call.

Sumi smiled and shut her planner closed. “I’m glad you made the right choice Reinne-chan..” She muttered under breath and went into her kitchen to make some warm tea.

Meanwhile Reinne giggled at Sho and Sho quickly embraced her in a hug. “I love you.” He whispered in her ear, which made them tingle. Reinne wrapped her hands around him and smiled. “Would you like to be my girlfriend?” He whispered again.

Reinne chuckled as she nodded her head and whispered back. “Now I thought I would never hear those words out from your mouth..”

Slowly Sho placed his hands on her shoulder and leaned in closer to kiss Reinne on the lips.

Reinne has spent her life chasing after Sakurai Sho. After changing herself and showing that she could be considered as a women to him, Reinne’s dreams finally came true. She had accomplished what she always wanted to do and that is to be by his side as his girlfriend.


It was New Year and Reinne and Sho decided to visit a temple together. It has been a long time since they went together and as well, it was their first time visiting a temple together as a couple.

“Why did you bring your camera?” Sho asked as he pointed to Reinne’s camera that was hanging around her shoulder. Reinne looked down and then she chuckled before she glanced at Sho. “Do you remember I had mentioned to you that I had entered a photography contest 7 years ago? It turned out that I won but they offered the first prize to the runner-up because I wasn’t here to claim it. Well I decided to enter another photography contest. I won’t have much work as a model because I’m taking a break so now I have more time to focus on my hobby, which is taking pictures.” Reinne smiled and quickly snapped a picture of Sho’s face.

She looked at it and giggled. “I’m definitely printing this one out.” She mumbled and Sho grabbed the camera from her. He looked at the photo she took and noticed that he had made an unexpected non-idol like face. “I’m going delete it!” Sho said as he felt that the picture made him look ugly. Reinne snatched the camera back and shook her head, and then she started to run ahead.

Sho sighed and dropped his shoulders. He was a bit mad at her but that is what made him happy. He chuckled to himself and stuck his hands in his pocket.

At that moment, Sho felt something in his pocket. He slowly pulled the thing and noticed that he had forgotten to give back Reinne’s charm. He tightly held the charm in his hand and ran to catch up with her.

As soon as Sho caught up to Reinne, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and Reinne widened her eyes when she didn’t expect Sho would do that. She slowly looked up at Sho and furrowed her eyebrows at him. Sho turned his head and noticed her confused look. “I’m not going anywhere Sho-kun. Do you think I’m going to run away from you again?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. Sho shook his head and smiled at her. Then he placed a kiss on her forehead.

Reinne blushed and placed her hand on top of where Sho had kissed her. Sho stopped walking and Reinne slowly came to a stop as well. She turned around and Sho approached her again. He extended his hand out in front of her and slowly opened it to reveal her charm.

Reinne gasped and widened her eyes; she looked up at Sho and then back down at the charm. “I’ve been looking for this everywhere..” Reinne muttered.

Sho grabbed one of Reinne’s hands and he opened it. He placed the charm in the palm of her hand and then giggled. “I hope you don’t lose it again. It had cost me 5000 yen for it.” Sho joked and Reinne nodded her head.

“Sho-kun, there has been something that has been irritating me ever since we met each other again. I’ve always wanted to tell you but with work, I kept forgetting about it.” Reinne suddenly looked sad and depressed. Sho started to wonder what was running in her mind.

He placed his hands on her shoulders to comfort her and Reinne suddenly looked into his eyes. “7 years ago..” Reinne began to say and then Sho let out a loud sigh. “Reinne-chan, I understand. That’s in the past, it doesn’t matter now because the present and the future are more important.” Sho said, as he didn’t want Reinne to feel sad.

Reinne shook her head and bit her lower lip. “I just want to explain myself. 7 years ago, the reason I left Japan because my father had a sudden heart attack. That was my main reason of leaving here. Gomenasai (I'm sorry). I should have told you but you were so busy with work and as well with attending classes that I didn’t want to waste your time. So if you were mad with me when I..” Reinne said and Sho quickly embraced her in a hug.

“Sho-kun..?” Reinne said and Sho hugged her tighter. He rested his chin on her shoulder and whispered. “Arigato (Thank you) for telling me. Truthfully, I was a bit upset when you sudden disappeared on me but throughout the 7 years that we lost in contact with each other, I felt kind of empty. Then I slowly started to realize that I need you by my side.”

Reinne lifted up her hands and started to wrap her arms around Sho. She made a small smile and decided to listen to the end to what Sho wanted to say. “I first noticed that you became a model 3 years ago. At first I thought it was a different Reinne I knew but looking back at those pictures with you modeling in them, I noticed that not only your physical appearance changed but you were more radiant as ever before.”

Sho slowly pushed Reinne off and he started to hold hands with her. “I think that you didn’t change just for me but it was for yourself as well. You should be proud of yourself.” Sho smiled and pecked a kiss on her cheek.

Reinne blinked her eyes and repeated his words in her head. Sho started to walk towards the temple as Reinne kept pondering about what he had said.

She furrowed her eyebrows and turned around to shout. “Chotto! (Wait!) When did I say that I changed for you? I never told anyone that before!” She ran up to Sho and grabbed a hold of his arm.

Sho grinned and by his side, Reinne kept shaking his arm for the answer. “Well 3 other people know that secret of yours as well.” Sho remarked and began to laugh.

Reinne pouted her lips and wondered what the heck he was talking about. But she was a bit overjoyed that now they can spend the rest of their days having moments like these.

~If you love something, set it free; if it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was.~

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