Twenty-six: pillow forts

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Suggested by Taebyx 

This story is coming to an end soon I think. I have about three/four more chapters planned.      Ngl I'm going to be kind of sad, I have really enjoyed writing this and all the feed back you guys give back. It always makes me super happy.

BUT I have another story coming out soon and I have started (possibly) another, so if you are lacking good quality (not really) vxbts stuff check out my account! lol jk jk... unless?...


Taehyung feels better. It's only a small amount but Jin's actions have given Taehyung hope that maybe the others will also try to win him back. He really hopes they do because staying away from all three is starting to get unbearable even if it's only been a day since the whole Jin fiasco. 

The boys are all at dance practise Taehyung came along but has to hide away in a corner and watch while he held Yeontan because the boys were making a video to put on YouTube for their fans to watch and enjoy and some even try learn the choreographs. Taehyung loves watching them, it's inspiring with how hard they try and somehow the cameras manage to pick it up to ate (?). Yeontan needs to take a winkle as Taehyung calls it and takes him outside, trying to be as quiet as possible when he opens the door as to not alert anyone but luckily the loud music covers it up. 

When Taehyung returns the practise is over and the boys are laying on the floor, exhausted. Taehyung goes up to each boy giving them a water bottle that he got on his way back in, three giving him a peck on the check and the other three saying thank you earning a small smile back. For some it's the most they've gotten out of him for just less than a week.  

Everyone loads back into the van they use to go everywhere (otherwise they'd have to use two cars) and they begin to head back to the dorms. The boys sit in the back and Taehyung has to sit in the front with their driver because he shouldn't be seen. The boys are all whispering in the back and Taehyung gets nervous, the last times the boys kept a secret didn't end well and he doesn't want no one left, he keeps quiet though and lets the boys do their thing even if it makes a stinging feeling in his chest and hurts his heart. 

They arrive at the dorms and everyone gets out the cameras are off now because they don't want fans to know where they live so Jimin and Taehyung race each other to the dorm Jimin taking one elevator and Taehyung taking the other. Taehyung's arrived first so he got in and pressed the button for his floor at least 30 times. Once he arrived on the floor he found the door still locked and Jimin no where to be seen so he did his winning dance. Soon all the others arrived and they joined Taehyung and Jimin inside. 

Everyone was immediately heading to their rooms and showering and changing, when Jin came out wearing fancy clothes Taehyung was confused. 'Sorry Taehyung we are going out to eat, we would take you too but you wouldn't be able to sit with us because we are going to record it. Don't worry Hobi is going to stay with you.' Taehyung was immediately worried but Jin came over and hugged him whispering in his ear 'Don't worry. He's going to apologise and I think your going to love what he has planned.' Taehyung relaxed and let out a breath, 'Okay.' He smiled at Jin. Soon the boys were all ready and Taehyung waved them off. He turned around to find Hoseok standing and fidgeting in the middle of the room.

Hoseok takes a deep breath in and out. 'Tae, I'm sorry. I don't have a excuse. i'm just so angry and upset with myself for believing what Jungkook said, I know he's had troubles in the past and that's why he said that but that doesn't excuse me from believing what he said was right. At first I was going to do a dance for you but I didn't know how to get you in the practise room alone and it would've taken me ages to get it to the standard you deserve. It was taking too long and I couldn't stand not being able to be with you and be there for you while Jin, Jimin and Yoongi were. So then I thought more about things you liked and I remember our first official day here when we watched that movie you talked about how much you loved it, then a week later you were talking about all the movies you love at dinner and how much you liked Disney. You looked so cute the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about the things you love. We also had pasta that night and you had a piece hanging out your mouth and you somehow made that look adorable. I know how much you love to cuddle and mess around like kids so will you, Kim Taehyung, go on a date with me to the pillow fort I took three hours to build before we left earlier?' 

Taehyung gasped amazed by the medium sized pillow fort. It was surrounded with dim yellow fairy lights and had a clear view of the TV. Inside was millions of pillows and blankets and some of Taehyung's teddys. Taehyung smiled a giant boxy smile at Hobi and nodded 'yeah i'll go on that date.' Hoseok's face flushed with relief and he ran off to the kitchen soon running back in, his arms full of many different types of treats. Crisps, chocolate and candy was soon littered all over the floor of the fort, it surrounded to bodies which were cuddled up together staring at the TV screen as it played wall-E. It was half way through the movie and Taehyung kissed Hoseok's check and whispered 'I forgive you.' Before Taehyung placed his head back onto Hobi's chest snuggling in and taking a deep breath of his nice smelling expensive cologne. Hoseok's face flushed but he smiled and kissed Taehyung's head. 



I'm going on holiday for about 2 weeks (roughly) and I won't be taking my laptop and have no updates ready so I guess i'm technically going on a hiatus? I will be back to posting soon so don't worry. BUT sadly this book is coming to an end. All I have planned is them forgiving Tae and then the last chapter will probably be the longest because it's like an epilogue but also not? You'll understand when it uploads. I'm sorry. I love you guys and I hope you have so far enjoyed it <3

Written: 23.07.19-24.07.19

Published: 24.07.19

Words: 1155

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