Thrēē: Meeting

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Taehyung's POV:-

I couldn't help but gawk at the giant building in front of me, me little apartment in deagu was nothing compared to the ones in seoul.

They were so big and pretty and definitely had more than one room.
Bang pd nim took me inside one of the tall pretty buildings and up an elevator, he held one of my bags while i held the other three, the ones with all my uni work on my back.

The elevator took us up to floor fourty (-idk ok im a sucker for building with great views) once we stepped off i realised there was only one door on this floor meaning this apartment must be huge. Holy cow and this is were I'm going to live? Shiznickles.

Bang pg nim made his way over to the door and knocked.

Knock knock

At the same time he gave me a key so I could get in whenever I wanted, this was now my house too.

A few moments after I had finished attaching they key to a few key rings and chains I had, the door swung open to reveal...


(sorry keep going)

(a bit further)

(nearly there)

A short boy with brown hair and brown eyes, he had rather chubby cheeks and soft eyes. His whole face looked quite soft. Yet somehow hard and dominating, and he had clear muscles with the thin white short sleeved shirt he was wearing. He then looked me up and down and then smiled a smile that made his eyes crescent and disappear into his face.

"Hey my names Jimin lets be best friends okay?" Jimin seemed to squeal when I have a shy nod back and a "sure hyung" was my shy answer. I could see a blush forming on his face at the 'hyung' part.

I had been informed in the ride over about most of the members like names and ages.

Jimin stepped aside to let me and manager hyung in, offering to take my bags. I only gave him a light chuckle and a 'no thank you'.

Once I was in and my shoes were off I was lead to the couch, I saw five boys and Jimin sitting on the sofas facing us and smiling.

Oh boy. Is all I could think.


Ugh im so tired wtf

Written: 13.04.19
Published: 13.04.19
Words: 394

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