Twö: Moving day

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Taehyung's POV:-

It had only taken about three hours to pack everything into four bags of all my things, mainly clothes and a few photo.

Those three hourse started at 1 on Monday becuase I forgot. How the hell and I supposed to wake up and keep track of six grown men when I can't even remeber to pack.

I still had about 15 minuets so I went over to the bag which I had filled with my camera, art utensils and art books.

The bag was only half way full because I couldn't afford anything special, all I had were things from my parents, like art supplies they send over as birthday gifts a month early not to make sure he gets them on time but because they genuinly forgot when it was.

I let my hand graze over the portrait I had done of my grandmama, it was my masterpiece, it was my favourite and i'd give it up for nothing, apart from my very own grandmama.

Suddenly the doof bell rang shocking me out of my trance as I quickly packed up the books and grabbed as many bags as i could resaulting in having two over each shoulder and the other two in my hands.

I pulled open the stiff door to reveal the manager in a pristine, crisp, black suit. He looked down on me and I felt like shrinking and crawling away. Then he smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back a little.

"Welcome Taehyung, I will escort you to your new living quarters." Wow I felt like royalty with the way the man was speaking to me. "I'm only kidding, but I will be taking you to your new apartment, are you ready?" The man asked "Uhm yes" I said back shyly.

The car ride consisted of talk about my grandmama and her hospital bills, all I had to do was sign a contract stating I will work for Bighit for two years only way of leaving before is if I get fired.

I immediately signed knowing my grandmama would be worth it, she needs this too.

I would do anything for her, she was there for me when my family left me, i am not only forever greatful but look at her as if she is my mother.

She was my parentel figure when my parents weren't there to be it.

I love her for that. My grandmama.


Tiny bit of insight like this much 👌🏼

Written: 13.04.19
Publsihed: 13.04.19
Words: 425

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