Fîftēēn: Jealousy

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Jealousy can do weird things to people, as I have witnessed.

I get lonely a lot. The boys have concerts and I either stay home or backstage, alone. The other crew always busy doing god knows what.

I know in reality they just don't like me because of how close me and the rest of the memebers are. (a/n: that is not a mistake. Did I fucking stutter?)

I'm always sad. Knowing that the crew avoids me and the members can't help or give me hugs. That Yoongi, Jin or Jungkook can't come give me kisses.

Oh yeah. Jin and Jungkook gives me kisses a lot too. None have ever in front of the other members but at any point we are alone or they are sure no one is looking they take all the chances they get. Me, usually just giggling and letting them.

The boys are performing a concert. I decided this time I'm actually going to go shopping in stead of moping around the house while the others are gone.

I just so happen to pass by a certain shop. I stop looking in the window and gasp. I quickly pull out my phone calling Bang pd nim. He gives me clarification and I run in the store.

(here comes the final character you've all been waiting for!! 😂)

And out I come, with a box and a bag. The bag full of food, bowls, toys and treats. And the box? Well it's basically just a box of fluff. I'm sure if you dug around you would find a small, adorable face eith angry little eyebrows. Maybe even the little puppies body if your lucky.

"I will name you Yeontan." I say to the box of fluff. There is shuffling and a small face appears as well as a bark. "You like your name then? Huh." I say and it barks again, sticking out it's tongue and looking forward as if to say, carry on and take me home, peasant.

I did anyway.

As I set it down in the apartment it jumps out and runs around smelling everything and exploring everywhere. I set everything out. A little bed in my room, a bowl for food and water in the kitchen. A pen in the living room for the pup. I put aol thw toys in the pen and pick up the ball of fur placing it in the pen.

It continues to run around. 'How do you have so much energy?' I think.

It takes about an hour or more to set up the troubling pen. So by the time everything is done and dusted it is about time the boys come back.

I sit in the middle of the carpet floor taking out thw puppy and playing with it.

The owner of the pet store said the Pomeranian didn't like anyone and would always bite people when they tried to pick him up. She was shocked when I picked him up and he just looked at me wagging his tail slightly. She then begged me to take him as no one else would and I gladly agreed. He was cute anyway.

I was teaching him tricks he quickly picked up on, every time he got one right I would give him a treat then pick him up and give him a kiss. He loved it. Always barking and wagging his tail.

I heard the door open. I set the puppy back in the pen and went to meet the members at the door.

"Welcome back guys, how was the concert?" I asked giving them all a hug as they each came in. "What is this?" I heard Namjoon ask as he looked into the pen, "I thought you had an IQ of 148? Can't you tell it's a puppy pen?" I sassed back with a poorly kept giggle.

"Well yeah but where is the puppy?" Namjoo asked "and are you even allowed this?"

"Yes, i asked band od nim. He said it was fine and the puppy is..." I stopped to look around for the puppy. "There." I say pointing at a suspicious looking brown and tan ball of fluff on the floor.

"Tannie~" I called out. The ball of fur turned around and ran towards me, yapping at me to be held once it was infront of me.

"What a demanding puppy." I laughed but complied anyway. I picked up the pup giving it a big hug and a kiss on it's fur covered body.

"Guys, guys look!" I nagged as I put the puppy on the floor, showing off the tricks we learnt today to the boys. Giving Yeontan a treat and kiss every time he did it right as well as saying 'good boy!' In my puppy voice. (a/n we all have one)

"Tch, we perform in front of at least 100 people where's our kiss?" Hoseok scoffed. I laughed at his silliness and child like complaining and put Yeontan back. "Jeez you big baby." I said rolling my eyes playfully. I stalked towards Hoseok "here." I say placing my hands gently on his shoulders and leaning in.

"Your kiss?" I say before gently giving his a soft peck on the lips.

I have no clue were the sudden wave of confidence had come from so as soon as I pull away and have walked around the conrner out of sight, I run.

I run into my room, slamming the door once I make it in. I slide down the back of the door.


Yes, the final character was Yeontan.
Ngl I was going to make it soonshim because I love him and he needs more love but Yeontan is more likely to live in the BTS dorms seeing as Soonshim lives outside and it's an apartment complex.

Also in this story BTS have only JUST debuted so they wont be as popular as they are now. Remeber they worked up to what they have now and DESERVE IT. Amen.

Written: 02.06.19
Published: 02.06.19
Words: 1005

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