Sēvēntēēn: D at e?

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"Come on Tae, let's go" Hobi said while pulling on my arm, trying to drag me out the door.

"Hoseok. Let him go." Jungkook said as he stood pouting in the middle of the living room. Hoseok huffs but lets go.

I stumble and fall as I had been putting all my weight towards the floor. "Hobi! Look what you did." Jin said magically appearing in the room and hurrying to pick me up.

I smile sheepishly, "guys, i'm fine."

Hoseok has already started to cry, "I-i'm so sorryyyyyy Taetae, I-i just w-wanted to go on our d-date." I smile at him and almost coo.

"I already said we could go, I just needed to grab my bag you dumby." I said lighting hitting his shoulder.

I run into my room and grab my bag, when I go back to the living room everything is back to normal.

Hobi stands by the door as if he hadn't been crying at all, Jungkook, Jin and magically also Yoongi stand there too, talking.

I go up to the three others and give each a kiss, Yoongi like always drags his on for longer. This always causes the others to whine but I just smack Yoongi's arm and blush, hiding my face in his shoulder.

Hoseok whines, "Hoseok, we've talked about this." I say and he just lets out a weird throaty noise and stops.

Because Jin, Jungkook and Yoongi already got kisses for reasons and special moments, they can get and give me lip kisses whenever. This immediately made the other three think they can do they same but I said no and that they had to get a special moment too. They were upset but compiled.

I knew Hoseok's plan was to take me on a date to start getting proper kisses too, I heard him talk to Jimin about it.

But it's fine because he then went on to say how excited he was for the date in general and to have some time as just the two of us. I thought it was so sweet.

We then left, at first the date was like a highschool romance type of date. We went shopping and saw a movie and had lunch. Of course he sadly had to wear glasses and a mask the whole time, just to make sure no one saw him.

But after all that though he went to a garden, the garden was beautiful, or at least what I could see from the outside.

The garden was surrounded by a fence, of course there was a gate but it was locked.

I looked at Hoseok sadly, "oh well." I gave him a small smile. But Hoseok wore a sly smile and he pulled a key from his pocket. He then went and unlocked the gate, winking at me as he held it open for me. I gasped.

I blushed and giggled as I walked past him. Once he came in too I asked "how did you do that?" He just laughed and said "babe, i'm Jung Hoseok." We laughed together.

Then I realised he called me babe and started to blush. A lot. He noticed and smirked.

We were now in the middle of the gardens. Hoseok had taken his glasses and mask off a while ago.

He smiled at me as I gazed at all the beautiful flowers. I then smiled back at him. He took my hand and we continued to walk.

There was a maze, what the heck how big is this garden? Very apparently.

We both walked into the maze and immediately there was a left and a right option. We both looked at each other smirked and took off, each in a different direction. I weaved in and out, round corners and turns. I finally made it to the center of the maze.

Wow, somehow I keep getting more and more amazed.

I stood under a giant white arch, it was surrounded by beds of roses and lilacs. The arch way had a table under it, also white. On the table sat a freshly trimmed sunflower. At the table were two chairs and nothing more. It was simple, cliché and cute, just the way I liked things.

Soon Hoseok came running into the middle as well, huffing.

"Darn, you beat me."

He looked me in the eyes and then reached into his pocket, I followed his actions. He then got onto one knee...


Lmao cliffhanger :P

Also I know I said I would be taking a break to revise but I can't help but update when you guys ask. Plus screw exams, I was gunna fail anyway.

Written: 22.06.19
Published: 22.06.19
Words: 753

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