"What do you want to do first?" Connor asked.

"Lets go on the roller coaster," M'gann said.

Connor shrugged, "Okay," but he didn't let go of her hand.

They were waiting in a veeeeery long line to get a seat on the roller coaster, when they started to hear screaming.

"What is it?" M'gann asked, quickly establishing a mind link with Connor.

Superboy used his super-vision to search for the source of the chaos.

"Icicle Junior," He told her with a growl.

"We need a place where we can change," M'gann said as they ran out from under the awning that covered those waiting in line for he ride.

They ran for the cover of a group of large bushes, and the chill of Junior's Ice began to reach them. Connor took off his jacket and M'gann shifted into her Miss Martian uniform.

Together, they ran out of the bushes and began to attack Junior.

"Ah, Miss Martian. This saves me all the trouble of you and your team coming to save all these innocent civilians."

"What do you want, Junior?" Miss Martian asked, her eyes glowing green.

"Payback," Junior smirked. He swung his arm up and a block of ice knocked M'gann out of the air.

Superboy caught her, thankfully, and set her down on solid ground.

Oops, too late. The solid ground was now solid ice. The two teenage heroes struggled to keep their balance as Junior easily glided towards them.

Junior raised his hand and ice grew up from the ground, encasing Superboy and Miss Martian.

Miss Martian struggled to get free as Junior walked right up to her and caressed her chin, "It's useless, Babe, I made the ice especially thick for you," His chilly breath almost froze M'gann's face.

His lips were inches from hers, and that made Superboy super mad. Mustering all the strength he could, he shattered his ice prison. Junior didn't notice, he was too focused on M'gann.

He formed his fist into another block of ice and raised it into the air, about to bring it down on top of Miss Martian when Superboy punched him in the jaw.

"Stay away from her," Superboy warned, cracking his knuckles in a warning while Junior massaged his sore chin.

Connor started to find a way to get M'gann free, even though he noticed Junior crawling to escape.

"Connor, he's getting away!" M'gann said.

"You're more important to me than catching some low-life like Icicle Junior," Connor said stubbornly.

M'gann speechless for a moment, lost in thought.

"Do you think you can break it with your telekinesis?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah," she said distractedly. She concentrated, and the ice shattered into millions of tiny pieces.

With Junior gone, the ice began to melt into a big puddle. Well, the park officials should have fun mopping that up.

Before too much of a crowd could gather, Connor and M'gann went into the restrooms to change this time.

The fight with Icicle Junior had taken up most of their time, and the sun was setting now.

Connor played a game to knock down a stack of glass bottles, and instantly won.

"Let me tell you son, with the strength I saw you throw, you could really be the man of steel himself," the booth runner joked, pointing at the insignia on Connor's T-shirt, "Wouldn't that be something?" He asked.

"Yeah...something," Connor said with a smirk. He chose a giant white teddy bear with a green bow and gave it to M'gann.

For their final ride, they decided to take a view of all of Star City via the Ferris wheel. They unexpectedly stopped at the very top.

"Some first date, huh?" M'gann asked.

"I didn't mind it that much," Connor said. She looked at him in surprise.

"I got to spend some time with you, and that's all I really wanted to do." He explained.

M'gann blushed, "Really?" She asked, almost not believing her ears.

"Yeah," Connor said quietly.

He scooted closer to her, putting his hand over hers. She leaned her head on his shoulder and they looked up at the darkening sky.

"Look, Connor! The first star of the evening!" M'gann pointed upwards.

"You know, the first star that always comes out isn't even a star. It's usually Venus, and sometimes even Mars." Connor said, leaning back.

M'gann looked at him in surprise, "Really?" She asked.

"Yeah," Connor said. He turned to look at her, and she turned to him.

And then they kissed.

Just them, the stars, and Mars.

To the right, in the media: SuperMartian vid to the song "Come On Get Higher"

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