A Big.. Scary Monster?

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Background : Tom has a monster inside of him that he can't control. And it can only be calmed down with a scent of someone it loves or something it has an attachment to. Everyone has no idea but it changed when Tord came around.


3rd person perspective, focus on Tord : Tord's room.

Tord was sitting in his room, holding a box.. He found it in the morning when he was woken up by.. Something? He looked at it but it was locked. But his curiosity got the better of him, he examined the key hole as he was ready to pick the lock. But, for some reason it didn't work and it left him head scratching. He had been picking locks since he was 13, so this was new.. The thing didn't even budge! He was confused. It was made out of metal. And he found it on his lap when he woke up..

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3rd person perspective, focus on Tom : Tom's room.

Meanwhile, Tom was looking around his room from top to bottom. Left to right. Every single area and he was panicking.. It held his most treasured item and it's the only thing that keep him from not turning into a monster, the thing that calmed him down. Tom felt his body pain meaning he was shifting into his other form, he tried to keep his breathing even and calm himself like he practiced..

Back with Tord.
Tord places the box on his table, looking at it at all angles.. It had scratches from a tiger.. That had human fingers?? He was confused by this.. He also saw how it had the scent of Tom... How does Tord know the scent of Tom? Don't question it. He decided this was enough. Tord thought Tom was playing with him, of course that moron would.. God.. He got of his chair and went out of his room to Tom's room, he knocks on it, "Hey fuckface, open up the door", No response. Tord found that odd. He would have opened the door and screamed bullshit at him or groaned. Tom isn't a heavy sleeper. He knocked again. "Tom?" He asks more.. Concerned. He knocks again. "Hey" he simply says loud enough for Tom to hear.. Little did Tord know Tom was trying to stop himself from opening the door and slashing the Commie's throat open.. Why did Tom not want to hurt Tord? He didn't know.

Tord sighs, "Look, if you're ignoring me? First. Fuck you, second of all you.. Uh- well i think you left your stupid box in my room." Tord says. Tom jumps in shock and he felt himself calm down. His monster parts were still swallowing him but he didn't care. He opens the door pushing Tord away and runs to Tord's room, it was locked. Tom whispers against the door leaving Tord shocked. "What the fuck" Tord says with an awkward laugh. He approaches Tom slowly and looks at how is 'rival' looked, he was.. What?? He doesn't know what he was but he wasn't surprised to see him like that. Tom was an odd one alright.

Tom scratches Tord's room and he cries more. Tord tried to push Tom away but Tom hissed. "Look, i can try to open the door for you", Tom stayed quiet. So he opened the door for Tom to enter. He walks slowly to the box and holds it for Tom. "Is this the box?" Tord asks Tom, Tom only sniffs it lightly before taking out his key and opening the box, Tord looked at the item, he was first curious to what it was but he was disappointed to see it was just some dumb plushie. Tom smiles and holds it dearly to him. Snuggling to it and continues in cuddling the little toy. Tord felt a small blush spread around his face because of how adorable he found Tom's behavior was. Tord sighs and couldn't help but smile for some reason. Tom started turning back into a human. He was shirtless but thankfully his pants weren't fully destroyed. Saving Tord from the awkward situation he would be in. Tom was fast asleep. Tord holds him up and brings him to his room. He places Tom in his bed and wanted to leave him alone but he felt a tug on his shirt. Tom was gripping onto Tord unconsciously. Tord looked back at Tom and as expected he was asleep, but his hand was in a monster like state. He tried to walk away but he couldn't, he also didn't want to stay with Tom since he didn't want an awkward explanation, so he takes off his shirt. Tom only hugs the shirt and cuddles with it shortly then goes back perfectly still, Tord for some reason flushed completely red when a weird thought in his head said 'I wish i was that shirt right now..' And he just walked out of the room to find a Edd in the hall.

TomTord (Tord X Tom) OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora