What about the future?! (Old)

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This was created after the "The Future" Chapter, but i didn't post it.

Little explanation, Tom and Tord are married here and they have children, Paul and Patryck are the adopted parents of Tord, And yeah this is all in the future

3rd person perspective :
Tom was walking fast but not fast enough to be considered running, He was angry and full of frustration, He walked through the red army's halls as soldiers glanced at him but never dared to stare so they wouldn't judge the 2nd in command, Tom ignored them thou he was to angry 'Where is he..' He thought to himself and as time passes by he found him.
He was talking to his trusted soldier Patryck, Tom griped the end of his buttoned up gray shirt as he walked slower towards him, He grabbed Tord by the shoulder forcing Tord to look at Tom, Tord was confused as hell. "Thomas?! What is it-" "you motherfUCKER!!" Tom says as he punched Tord in the right area of his face, Patryck didn't intervene since he knew it wasn't his place to do so, Tord looked back at Tom but not daring to say a word. "You lied to m-me.." Tom says full of frustration and sadness but mostly anger "..." Tord didn't say anything because he knew if he said something Tom didn't like he would be a dead man. "You said you'd bring peace. You said that you'd do it for our friends.." Tom says numbly, "but.." Tom follows up, "ALL I SEE IS A REVALUATION! WHERE IS THE FUTURE?! WHERE IS THE PEACE WHEN I SEE SOLDIERS, MY SOLDIERS SHED TEARS AFTER THEY DIE!" Tom screams at Tord's face holding his color as Tom was about to cry "You promised a future.. A-all I see is pain.." Tom says loosing the grip of Tord's collar.
Soldiers stopped and stared and confusion and concern with a mix of shock.
"Y-You.." He lets go of Tord completely and raises his hand showing an engagement ring "Y-You said you'd do it for us, You'd do it-" Tom's voice breaks from crying but he continued "You'd do it for our children and our army.." Tord hands form into a fist as he felt the ring around his finger, "Where is the peace?! Where is the love you showed me?! Where is it all?! Did you simply l-lie to me just for your selfish dreams?!" Tom says shouting still obviously confused and frustrated as tears stream down his face, Tord looks up to Tom and sad "I'm doing it for the future!" Tom looks at Tord dead in the eyes "T-the future?! Where is the future if there isn't a present!" Tom says loudly but not enough to be a shout "I'm doing it for our future!" Tom places his hands on Tord's shoulders "WHERE IS 'OUR' PRESENT?! WHERE IS THE PAST?! THERE IS NO FUTURE!!" Tom says clearly vulnerable to speak "We are lost, I am lost, And you?..." Tom says quietly as his sobs suffocate him "You just w-want what you want, There will never be a future if you never think about the present.." Tom says numbly but somehow in a sad tone "never.." Tom says as Patryck took him away from Tord. They walked away leaving Tord shocked and guilty.
Tord found himself scared, Worried and shocked but he felt a hand touch his shoulder "Son, Can you come with me?". He turned around to see his other trusted soldier, Paul, Tord follows after Paul in the opposite direction of Tom.

3rd person perspective : With Tom and Patryck.
Tom was sitting in the garden still crying as Patryck is rubbing his back for comfort "It's okay.." Patryck said trying to help "I think i ruined everything.." Tom says clearly unstable, Patryck notices that his goggles weren't green but they were orange signaling that Tom is having a panic attack, Patryck hugs Tom and says "Calm down! It's okay calm down" Tom sobs in Patryck's shoulder unable to handle the pain inside of him, "let it out dear, it's okay, My son can be selfish at times but you have no idea how much he worries about you and both of your children.." Patryck says trying to comfort Tom "He always says how much he misses you.." Tom listened to Patryck because Patryck always acted like a mother even with his stern looks his soft smile captured what a mother looks like. "He always puffs up whenever we say you have a mission and he always wants to come with you but we never allow him since he IS the leader" Patryck laughs a little "But he really loves you and he tries so much for a happy future even tho it's painful for him to see soldiers fall." Patryck sighs, Tom hugs Patryck tighter from sadness, Patryck smiles softly "You remind me of him too.."

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