A Fishy Fella (P.T 1)

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When Tord is indicated as glowing red it means he's blushing. As shown on the picture on top. BTW i drew it to give you guys a better picture for your imagination.



3rd Person Perspective : The bridge

It was night when Tord was at sea watching from afar a man. He'd hear his name whispered dreamily in his mind. 'Thomas Thompson..', Tord melts from that name. Letting out a satisfied exhale. Thomas was looking at the water. He looked like he was waiting for someone. Tord just watches whatever is gonna happen.

Tom's perspective : The bridge

'I swear she's coming. I know she is...' He was waiting for his future date. Susan. It's his current crush and he wanted to see if she was interested, He was waiting a while for her. As he was sitting on the wooden old bridge. Tom didn't have much feelings for Susan but he felt attracted to her so he wanted to see if she and him were meant to be. After a while he felt vibrations on the wooden bridge. Tom turns around happily thinking he'd see her but ends up seeing a guy. Tom didn't feel safe, It was a very much a guy and he was angry.. 'What the hell..?' Tom thinks in his mind, He gets up and looks at him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here..?" The guy looks at him with and furious expression. "You want to take my Susan.. i won't let yo do that", Tom doesn't like him. "Listen i don't know you" Tom says, He had no where to go so he was getting bad vibes. Suddenly the guy screams loudly like a crazy man "YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY SUSAN!! YOU PERV" Tom gets pushed off the wooden bridge and gets knocked out from an underwater rock. The man looked satisfied and walked away. Tom didn't see this but Susan was smirking as she walks away with the guy. "That should be less of a burden.. He tried to touch me!" The guy protects her "He won't touch you any longer" She walks away with the Guy fooling him with her lies.

3rd Person Perspective : Off sea

Tord suddenly started panicking - Tom was drowning- He had to save him but he can't do that he can't break the rules of the sea.. But he has to save him.. It wouldn't hurt to break a rule right..? Tord swam quickly after seeing the assholes walk away. He went underwater quickly looking for Tom. After some minutes pass he found Tom and he held his body up from the water, Tom was out cold making Tord panic. Tord looks around and finds a sandy shore. 'Good enough!' Tord held Tom on his back, He swam and finally he sets Tom on the shore.

Tom was not breathing making Tord panic- He goes under water to breathe. Before getting out and breathing air making his throat sore but he had to do it for Tom. He does CPR him multiple times and finally Tom coughs out water.. Tord backs away scared and was starting to blush.. He hadn't realized how close.. Really close he was getting to Tom, He broke to many rules, Kissing a human. Touching a human and going to see a human. And the most important.. Falling in love with a human. Tom started getting up and looks up to see a shirtless dude looking up to him. Tom was confused, He didn't see his 'legs' his vision blocked that since he was laying on his back. "What.. Who are you?" Tom says getting up slowly. Tord backs away going back into the water. Tom's vision was getting better and he was shocked.

A glowing humanoid red fish was in front of him, Tom was first scared. He let out a small scream causing the humanoid to enter the water running away. Tom realizes something.. The humanoid saved him. He started getting up and runs to the water surface making Tord worried quickly. He just drowned for heaven's sake-

TomTord (Tord X Tom) OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant