Sick day (Old)

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So this Oneshot is about Sick little Tom, When Tom's sick he doesn't give a fuck and is like a toddler and also he opens up a lot, so yeah this is gonna be interesting to write, The events here are before 'The end' incident.

3rd person perspective :
Tord sat in the living room and next to him was Tom, Tom has been dozing off for 2 days and he always said he was fine, Tord hated to admit it but he was worried for Tom's health, Sure he makes fun of him but he was not buying the fact of him being fine Tord just wanted that lovable idiot to be alright, Tom and Tord were sitting watching a movie but Tom was dozing off again, Tord patted Tom's shoulder 2 times and told him "hey jehovah, You alright?" Tom got startled and tried to push Tord's arm away but he was too frail, He said "yeah I'm f-fine.." Tom's voice was weak, Tord didn't buy it and held Tom to his room, "W-What the h-hell are you d-doing-..?" Tom said and tried to get away but he was too weak to even struggle, "Tom, You're not fine, You looked awful! It's been 2 days now!" Tord said in a stern way, Tom looked down and said "wow, am I that obvious.." Tom was tired and his head was ringing, Tord felt bad for the Brit, He held Tom and placed him in the bed, Tord checked Tom's temperature by placing his palm on his forehead and it was like a furnace, Tom was sweating a lot and it was clear that tom caught a fever, and a bad one, Tord was full of empathy kissed Tom's forehead, Tho Tord panicked and said quickly "s-sorry about that, My mom used to do that to me whenever I was sick.." Tom smiled softly and said "it's Okay" Tord went downstairs and started cooking soup, Tom was confused and didn't know why Tord even cares, Tord did hate him right? Tord finished the soup and went upstairs to His room where Tom was sitting in his bed, He gave Tom the soup but Tom couldn't even move, Tord took notice and he took a spoon full of soup to feed Tom, Tom hesitated a bit but he opened his mouth to be fed by his rival, he wanted to ask if it was poisoned but again he was in a bad state, It stings a bit but it was pretty good so he ignored the heat, Tord just continued feeding Tom until there was no longer any soup, Tord was about to leave but felt a weak but still a tug on the end of his hoodie, He looked down to see Tom tugging his hoodie and He said "what is it?" Tom just blushed and said "c-can you stay with me?" Tom said but regretted it because of the way he said it, Tord blushed and said "yeah sure" Tom made room for Tord and They both sat in the bed and Tord took a risk and hugged Tom and Tom yelped in surprise but hugged back, Tom was confused and asked Tord "why do you suddenly care about me?" Tord hugged tighter and said "why wouldn't I care about you?" Tom blushed harder from the affection and mumbled "I love you" Tord blushed and said "I love you too" Tom blushed turning into the color of Tord's hoodie but he didn't wanna show it so he buried his head on Tord's chest and they both slept peacefully

Bonus :
Edd woke up and wanted to wake Tom up to get him to the hospital but didn't find Tom in his room, He ran to wake up Tord and tell him WHERES TOM But he found them cuddled up and he couldn't help but giggle madly, He waited for them to wake up and show them the sweet sweet pictures he got ;) also to get tom to the hospital but Jesus- being gay won't get the fever away-

TomTord (Tord X Tom) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now