No one hurts what's mine (Old and bad)

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Contains cursing like f bomb and s words- just a mere warning

3rd person perspective :
Tord was sitting in his office and was scared for someone he secretly loves, Tom, Thomas was kidnapped by The Black Leader, For a team so Annoying and have a stupid name they are manipulating freaks, And Tom would rather die then speak the truth, They'll definitely hold him hostage and it freaks Tord the fuck out "God fucking damn it- God fucking- Aurhg!" Tord was walking around his office, Thinking about Tom's safety being at risk, "I swear to god if they do anything to him they won't see the light of daylight.." Paul gulped and Patryck kept writing drafts of plans.

At the black leaders base
Tom sat in a room and was bleeding from the eyes, He lost his eye sight but his hearing is the most powerful lest perk he got in this situation, "So.. You're the infamous black eye eh?" Said the black leader grinning, Tom said nothing to him, "That's cute, Staying quiet eh? Will see how long you'll stay quiet eyeless.." They start toying with him, Trying to find a sensitive topic to control him by his family, work, friends, etc, nothing worked, The black leader thought of something "If you don't speak we will hunt down red leader.. Make sure he's a goner" Tom winces making the black leader smile sickeningly and spoke with laughter stringing his voice "You have a soft spot for the red leader?! Really? You're hopeless!" Tom doesn't respond, They tie him up on an electric chair, They set up the volume of electricity high but not high enough to kill him, Tom screams in agony trying to prevent the electricity from reaching vital areas in his body, He groans in pain.. The black leader asks "Where is the red base?" Tom looks up to him with anger and says "Fuck off-" he got electrified making him scream and sweat, this continued for days..

Tord had enough of drafts "let's go there now! I can't help it man, He's in danger- I- I don't want him to be a goner.." Paul holds Tord's gun and gives him "We go now sir" They get ready, Tom had lots of information and they'd kill to have that information, Tord and his army got on a helicopters to come in, The helicopters were fast and designed to be taken from granted, They reach the area and as expected they thought the helicopters were slow so they shot their rockets, The helicopters dodged and Tord parachuted down with many army troops attacking the black army, Tord killed everyone he seen and entered the black army base with ease, But he was searching like a mad man for Tom, He looked around and saw a door where he heard groaning and someone in pain.. Tord instantly noticed it was Tom, He knocked the door down and tom was panting and almost wanted to throw up, He instantly ran to Tom but Tom coughed to Tord "S-Sir it's a trap- oh sir pl-please..." Tom passed out from exhaustion and from pain, Tord sensed someone and turned around to see black leader pointing a gun at Tord "red leader.. Finally meet eh?" Tord had enough and wanted to make hell for that bitch "what did you do to him?!" Black leader laughed and said "Why would I say?" Tord kicked his legs making him fall and took the gun from him and pointed the gun at black leader with anger "What the fuck did you do to him.." Black leader laughed "Why do you care?! The infamous red leader! Cares about some idiot-" a sound of a bullet was heard, black leader was gone, Tord took Tom out from the chair and the way he looked made Tord heart broken, He held tom dearly in his chest making sure no one touches him, He walked out and everyone saw everything, The black leader troops surrendered because they hated black leader and Tord didn't blame them, They rode the helicopters back to the base taking the black leader troops as prisoners, In the ride he was brushing Tom's hair through his hand, He was so sad by the sight he made sure whoever touches him is dead, They reached the base and Tom was rushed in the medical area, Tord was watching Tom go through this, After Tom was better and patched up Tord sat next to him holding his hand, Waiting for him, Tom woke up and instantly his heartbeat went crazy "R-RED LEADER! LEAVE! BLACK LEADER IS HERE!-" Tom coughs and groans "Jesus calm down Thomas- Black leader is long gone and you're safe.." Tom wasn't wearing his goggles but he knew Tord's voice oh so well, Tom sighed and was sweating, Tord squeezed Tom's hand "I'm sorry I wasn't there quick enough Tommie.." Thomas blushed by the nickname "s-sir?" Tord got up and kissed his forehead and pecked Tom's lips, "I won't let anyone take you away from me Tommie~" Tom blushes deeper "sir.." Tord kisses Tom passionately making tom melt in, It was soft little kiss, Tom couldn't continue since he was not in good shape making him blush deeper, "Too much?" Tord said to him with a snarky tone "N-No sir- I just.. U-Um.." Tord giggles and says "Glad you're back Tom, Call me Tord" Tom smiles and kisses Tord's cheek but accidentally kissed Tord's neck making Tord blush and Tom blushed harder "I-I'm sorry red- I mean Tord- I can't see so I assumed that was your cheek- I shouldn't have even tried I am sorry I just-" Tord held Tom close to him kissing his neck roughly making him tense up "Shut up you adorable fuck-" Tom blushes and stops, Tord stops since he needs to work "w-wait sir- I need to work on my papers and I have many assignments to do with new recruits and-" Tord groans and says "Fucking hell Tom- Stop being cute or I swear I will break your legs" Tom fiddles and blushes really hard, "1: call me Tord 2: go get rest and that's an order since you need it 3: Stop being cute or I will seriously make sure you won't be able to walk~" Tom whines "Tord stop! Urghhh! You're too embarrassing-" Tord giggles and kisses Tom "Go get rest love." Tom just nods and tries to go to sleep, Tord was about to leave finally but he heard Tom call him "W-Wait Tord.. Can you please stay? I'm sorry if I'm like- asking too much- y'know what you can leave its fi-" Tord gets in bed next to him and wraps his arms around Tom's waist "You're breaking my order Thomas~ didn't I say stop being cute?" Tord said in a seductive voice "I'm sorry sir- I mean Tord.." Tord hugs Tom and says "break another and I'll give you a punishment~" Tom blushes but covers his face by throwing his head in Tord's chest snuggling it, Tord blushes 'cute' Tom breathing evens out as he falls asleep, Tord protectively hugs him closer 'i won't let anyone touch you but me love, no one hurts what's mine'

This was long- eurhg I like writing it cause it's pretty gay XD I hope u like it too owo

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