Chapter 2 part 2

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" Charmy, get those three out of here and back to the village I'll buy you time!" Kibana shouted as she looked at the shorter Black Bull girl as the taller one had hoisted Kagura over her shoulder " Don't take too long getting back Kibana" the taller one said as Charmy had created a large floating cotton cloud as she helped Fuegoleon and Leo aboard " Come on Vanessa" Charmy hurried the taller Black Bull mage who gently set the armored Kagura down onto the cloud " Let's get going " Vanessa replied as Charmy nodded and began to steer the floating cloud back towards the village.

" alright bug face, let's see how you fair against someone who can keep knocking you back!" Kibana smirked before diving towards Gojitu, still within her wind empress armor, throwing several slashes into the creatures chest which each attack pushed it back more and more before Kibana let loose a strong wind that carried the spider creature far into the forest. She then cast a cage of steel around Gojitu suspending it in midair " That should hold em for a bit " Kibana muttered before turning towards the village " I should probably wait for them to come back " she murmured to herself


" We're back to square one " a deep voice sighed, masculine

Darkness surrounded everything, his body lie motionless, face down, unaware of his surroundings, all he knew was that this may have been his punishment for his cocky attitude, Kagura opened his eyes , unable to move, as he felt weak and powerless

" Hey kid, you awake? " the voice asked

Kagura had blinked once before being rolled over, his head being propped on a leg " Wake up " the voice chuckled as Kagura starred up towards the voice's owner to see a demonic being sitting there while he let Kagura rest his head upon the its lap

Kagura had blinked once before being rolled over, his head being propped on a leg " Wake up " the voice chuckled as Kagura starred up towards the voice's owner to see a demonic being sitting there while he let Kagura rest his head upon the its lap

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" Susanno...." Kagura spoke softly before coughing " save your strength, it seems Asura did a number of your body using all that magic, and containing your body within Kuuga's body to reseal him it wasn't easy..." Susanno replied before looking at Kagura " Your body is slowly regenerating those wounds while the armor is on but the moment you return to the world you must defeat that vermin.....the longer you take the more of your mana and strength that will be drained inside the armor. " Susanno added as Kagura feel silent before asking " What....what was that thing?....a being that can absorb magic and get stronger..." He asked as Susanno narrowed his eyes as the darkness became light and in front of the two was another person, leaning against a katana " Your awfully rude Susanno.."


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