Chapter Nine

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Okay, so I know that it's been about 4 weeks.
I've tried writing this book, but every time I end up trying I end up giving up as there is not as much motivation as I would like to have. Especially since I started TAFE. 
Now I am capable of updating on a Tuesday as I don't have anything to do other then some study. I should be trying my hardest in getting some chapters up as much as I can but as I've said its kind of hard as I don't have the drive.... I know I've been posting up new books but that's because I'm getting new ideas and I just want to write about that and get them out there but I know its kind of unfair that I haven't at least updated when I've set the update schedule.
Speaking of which I'm going to (maybe) create a new update schedule depending really if I can get at least 4 new chapters for you guys.
That's right, I'm going to be posting 2 chapters today and maybe 2 chapters tomorrow but that depends on how fast I can get the today's chapters out in time.

Okay thats enough about that rambling and lets get on with the story 
(also listening to 'Without Me - Halsey' is now one of my favourite songs)


A wailing scream echoed throughout the jungle as Sarabi and the rest journeyed through on the path.

"Sure sounds like a jungle of misery to me." Crush whimpered as he walked next to his brother Eddie at the front.

As Sarabi was walking, she couldn't help but to feel, anxious. She felt like she was being watched. But that didn't seem right as there was nothing around them.

"Hold on." Ellie spoke up after stopping.

"Why, what's wrong? Peaches?" Manny said with worry as he back tracked towards Ellie and Sarabi.

"What?" Sarabi questioned as she tilted her head looking up at Ellie before looking over at Manny.

"No, it's just I got a funny feeling." Ellie said, which made Sarabi make an 'oh' out of her mouth understanding as she too felt like something was happening.

"You're hungry. Low blood sugar!" Manny exclaimed. "Oh, there's some fruit."

"No, Manny!" Ellie protested.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you." Diego said as he stood next to Sarabi, who only glared at the male before moving onto the other side of Ellie away from the male. As she was still angry with the male, she did not want to talk to him until she was ready. When? She did not know.

Diego could only sigh in sadness, looking at the female before shaking his head as he walked after Manny.

"This isn't exactly your playground." Diego pointed.

"Like I'm going to be afraid of a pretty flower." Manny retorted and reached out to pluck the fruit.

As soon as he touched the fruit, vines popped out of the Earth and wrapped around both of the males legs.

"Bet you didn't see that coming?" Diego said sarcastically as they were both lifted up from the ground and hung upside down so the plant can swallow them.

"fore the record, I blame you for this." Diego struggled.

"Manny?/Diego?" Both Ellie and Sarabi shouted.

"Stop eating out friends, plant!" Eddie ordered as the brothers charged at the plants with sticks..... until vines came after them making them yell as they retreated back from the plant and behind Sarabi.

"That's it, I'm tearing it up, from the roots." Ellie growled causing Sarabi to look at her with wide eyes.

"Do that and it'll clamp-shut forever." A voice spoke startling Sarabi.

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